Descrizione del progetto
Software per la sicurezza funzionale e la sicurezza informatica per chip semiconduttori nel settore automobilistico
La guida autonoma sta aumentando il numero e la complessità dei chip elettronici nelle automobili, provocando un’enorme crescita dei semiconduttori nel settore automobilistico (tasso di crescita annuale medio del 21 %). Questi chip devono essere conformi sia allo standard di sicurezza funzionale ISO-26262 che allo standard di sicurezza ISO/SAE 21434. La progettazione dei chip per conformarsi a questi standard è molto complessa e richiede tempo, principalmente a causa di tecnologie di simulazione dei guasti molto lente e obsolete. Con il progetto SafeCHIP2 finanziato dall’UE, Optima sta risolvendo tali sfide con una tecnologia di simulazione dei guasti di oltre 1 000 volte più veloce, che consente di abbreviare i tempi di sviluppo e di commercializzazione e permette ai progettisti di chip di raggiungere i massimi livelli di sicurezza e protezione non possibili con le soluzioni della concorrenza.
Autonomous Driving (AD) is going to improve the lives of millions of people in Europe and worldwide. One of the key
challenges in AD is Functional Safety, or FuSa for short. FuSa is about ensuring that all electronic systems controlling the
car do not malfunction, and even when they do, the malfunction is detected fast enough to allow the system to resolve it like
activating a backup system.
The automotive industry, has put in place an international standard, ISO-26262 Functional Safety standard. The market of
FuSa and ISO-26262 solutions is an emerging market in high growth phase.
Optima has been developing FuSa technologies for ICs since 2014. Our SafeCHIP platform includes 3 products, which are
used by chip-designers to build the FuSa features into their chips.
SafeCHIP is a game changer as it solves all challenges faced by these chip-designers using specialized algorithms, built
especially for these challenges: (1) fault-simulation capacity/speed, (2) soft-error solution, (3) hard-error solution and (4) auto
insertion of on-the-fly Safety-Mechanism Our technologies are protected by a strong 5 patents portfolio. They virtually has
no competitors, that match their capabilities in the market.
Our products have been successful in evaluation/POC (Proof Of Concept) process with key player in the market (ARM, UK)
with amazing results, we showed performance results of over 30,000 times faster than existing solutions and where able to
get them to ASIL-D.
As a startup, all our commitment and the team’s are aligned behind the success of this project.
The approval of this proposal, will allow us to scale the company from RnD-focused company with strong technology, to
scale it into full company with Marketing and Sales offices and partners in EU and US.
With the grant, we expect to break-even in 2021 with revenues of 6.5M EUR, and 18M EU in 2022
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SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2Coordinatore
1652330 NAZARETH
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