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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Lebanon's Art World at Home and Abroad: Trajectories of artists and artworks in/from Lebanon since 1943

Descripción del proyecto

Un examen más detenido de los artistas del Líbano

¿Qué sabemos del mundo artístico del Líbano, un país definido por su experiencia con la violencia y los conflictos? El proyecto LAWHA, financiado con fondos europeos, arrojará luz sobre el carácter multidimensional de los artistas procedentes o residentes en el Líbano que utilizan la pintura («lawha» en árabe), la escultura y los nuevos medios como forma de expresión artística. En particular, el proyecto investigará las fuerzas que han dado forma a la aparición de un campo profesional del arte en sus contextos locales, regionales y mundiales. A continuación, propondrá maneras de repensar la repercusión del entorno económico, social y político en el mundo artístico y sus protagonistas. Por último, el proyecto estudiará cómo se representan los artistas en relación con la nación.


This project takes an ambitious approach to investigating the trajectories of artists and their works in and from Lebanon since its independence in 1943. In the absence of an institutionalised local art history, artists are often stereotyped according to the agendas of labelling institutions. The project proposes a shift of perspective in approaching Lebanon’s art world by placing emphasis on the multi-dimensionality of artists’ individual trajectories. It investigates (1) the forces that have shaped the emergence of a professional field of art in their local, regional and global contexts, (2) how to rethink the impact of the political, social and economic environment on the art world and its protagonists, Lebanon often being defined by its experience of violence and conflict, (3) how artists are represented in relation to the nation, and (4) how the trajectories of individuals shape the field. The focus will be on artists in and from Lebanon using the forms of painting (Arabic: lawha), sculpture and new media art. The specificity of Lebanon’s history after gaining independence from France in 1943 makes it particularly worthwhile to study the power-relations between artists and institutions at home and abroad. The project’s objectives are to (1) develop a new approach to rethink artistic production from a cultural-political perspective while placing the trajectory of artists and their works at the centre, (2) re-evaluate the impact of war and migration on a country’s artistic production, (3) build a collaborative digital platform and database (DDP) to create a central and open-access repository and innovative tool for future research and preserving Lebanon's cultural heritage, and (4) to connect the scientific cultures of academic research and museums/art institutions. The project’s five thematic clusters and DDP will identify new methods on how to interrelate context and artistic production, serving as a model for revisiting art histories in post-colonial contexts.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 332 236,16
53173 Bonn

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Nordrhein-Westfalen Köln Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 332 236,16

Beneficiarios (2)