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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Microphotonics-based frequency combs for habitable exoplanet detection

Descrizione del progetto

Astro-pettini basati su microrisonatori potrebbero dare un impulso alle ricerche di esopianeti abitabili

Il progetto STARCHIP, finanziato dall’UE, sta sviluppando un nuovo tipo di pettine a frequenza laser che potrebbe migliorare il modo in cui gli scienziati cercano esopianeti abitabili. I pettini a frequenza laser producono linee di luce spettrali con frequenze uniformemente distanziate che possono favorire l’osservazione di minuscoli spostamenti con lunghezza d’onda all”interno degli spettri ottici delle stelle che ospitano un esopianeta. Tuttavia, ottenere tali pettini di frequenza con linee risolvibili è estremamente impegnativo. La nuova classe di astro-pettini di STARCHIP basati su microrisonatori a chip fotonico fornirà spettri a banda larga di linee risolvibili, potenzialmente da lunghezze d’onda visibili a quelle a infrarossi medi, superando così le difficoltà principali nella generazione di astro-pettini.


Without doubt, one of the most intriguing questions in modern astronomy is whether habitable planets, potentially supporting life, exist outside our solar system. In the upcoming era of large aperture astronomical telescopes and highly stable spectrometers, answering these questions is for the first time a tangible possibility. Successfully finding answers to these questions will, however, critically rely on non-incremental advances in astronomical instrumentation. The objective of the proposed research is, developing and demonstrating novel photonic-chip laser frequency combs to support the revolutionary advances in astronomical precision spectroscopy required to enable detection and characterization of habitable Earth-like planets.
Habitable exo-planets can be discovered by observing minute wavelength-shifts in the optical spectra of their host stars. These wavelength-shifts are so small that exquisitely accurate and precise wavelength-calibration of astronomical spectrometers is required. It has been recognized that laser frequency combs (LFCs), broadband spectra of laser-lines with absolutely-known optical frequencies, can provide the required level of precision, provided the LFC’s lines can be resolved by the spectrometer. Generating such frequency comb spectra (“astrocombs�) with resolvable lines remains, however, exceedingly challenging.
Here, we will develop and demonstrate a novel class of photonic-chip microresonator-based astrocombs that can naturally provide broadband spectra of resolvable lines, potentially from visible to mid-infrared wavelengths, thereby overcoming key challenges in astrocomb generation. In order to achieve this goal we will pursue radically different microresonator designs and new nonlinear optical regimes in order to overcome long-standing limitation in microresonator physics. The developed astrocombs will not only be pivotal to astronomy but indeed can directly and profoundly impact the way we transfer data, monitor our environm

Meccanismo di finanziamento

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Istituzione ospitante

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 950 000,00
22607 Hamburg

Mostra sulla mappa

Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 1 950 000,00

Beneficiari (1)