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A disruptive technology that enables low cost real-time monitoring of road pavement condition by any ordinary vehicle circulating on the road, and automatically designs plans for predictive maintenance.

Description du projet

Améliorer l’entretien des routes européennes grâce au nuage

En dépit des 6 milliards d’euros consacrés chaque année à l’entretien des routes européennes, le réseau reste émaillé de nombreux nids-de-poule. La persistance de ce problème est due à l’inefficacité de la stratégie corrective mise en œuvre pour la réparation des chaussées en raison du coût élevé des services d’inspection humaine. Il n’existe pas de stratégie de prévention ciblée, écologique et efficace. Le projet PAV-DT, financé par l’UE, travaille à une solution. Il met actuellement au point une nouvelle technologie disruptive peu coûteuse qui utilise un algorithme complexe et une plateforme hébergée dans le cloud qui peut être installée et utilisée dans n’importe quel véhicule. Cet équipement permet de détecter les problèmes existants sur une route et de communiquer l’information de manière immédiate, économique et simple. In fine, cette technologie permettra de garantir que les réparations et l’entretien nécessaires seront effectués à temps.


Despite the huge public budget effort (6.000M€/year) for road pavement maintenance, the European road network (5.5M km) is not in an acceptable condition. Current pavement maintenance strategies are mainly based on corrective maintenance which is an inefficient and costly approach, with negative impact on pavement service life and road safety, and also on the environment.
In order to be able to implement a maintenance strategy based on preventive operations of much lower cost carried out at the optimal moment (predictive maintenance), it is necessary to have continuous and accurate information of the pavement condition, something that is not possible at present due to the high cost of current inspection services.
PAV-DT is a disruptive technology that can be installed in any customer vehicle (e.g. public road administrators and concessionaires or construction companies on performance-based maintenance contracts) in order to convert these vehicles into a very low-cost real-time pavement inspection equipment through its ordinary circulation. Additionally, thanks to our advanced algorithm and a cloud-based platform, customers will be able to access the latest available information on the pavement condition at any moment and receive information on which maintenance actions are really required, and exactly where they should be applied and when is the best moment to deploy a truly cost-effective maintenance strategy.
PAV-DT consortium formed by APPLUS (Spain), BECSA (Spain), M&S (Austria), MICRO-SENSOR (Germany) and IMM-UPV (Spain) agreed on creating a Joint Venture for the commercial exploitation of the results as soon as the project is completed through a Product-as-a-service business model. Revenues of more than 38.8M€, with an associated profit of 25.5M€ and the creation of 52 new highly qualified jobs are expected within the first 3 years. Thanks to this investment in PAV-DT, these customers will experience savings of more than 746M€ over that period.


Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 361 550,00

Voir sur la carte

Este Comunitat Valenciana Castellón/Castelló
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 516 500,00

Participants (4)