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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Big Data driven personalized knee replacement


Kniegelenkersatz: maßgeschneidert, aber doch erschwinglich

Um die mit bestimmten Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates verbundenen Schmerzen und Behinderungen zu reduzieren, ist meist eine Gelenkersatzoperation die einzige Behandlungsmöglichkeit. Dank des technischen Fortschritts wird der Kniegelenkersatz immer beliebter. Eine der jüngsten Revolutionen auf diesem Gebiet führt das EU-finanzierte BD-KNEE-Projekt an. Das Projekt entwickelt eine E-Plattform, die eine ganze Reihe von personalisierten Medizinprodukten und Prozessen für den kompletten Kniegelenkersatz konzipiert und entwickelt. Triebkräfte sind modernste Big-Data-Technologien zur Abstimmung von IKT mit neuen Werkzeugen zum 3D-Drucken. Wettbewerbsfähige Kosten werden das Ergebnis sein. Für die Patienten verkürzen sich durch die Behandlung die Operations- und Rehabilitationszeiten.


The BD-KNEE project is a “patient specific” system that provides innovative knee replacement devices, matching ICT with 3D printing new production technologies, which reduce patient pain, speeding up the recovery with a competitive price.
This project is led by REJOINT, a company that work in the orthopaedic implant industry, that has joined forces with ORTHOKEY, the JV SensoriaHealth-ICT and Fundación Rioja Salud. Total Knee Arthroplasty, also known as Total Knee Replacement (TKR), is one of the most commonly performed orthopaedic procedures. The number of total knee replacements performed annually in the US is expected to grow +5 times to 4.34 million procedures by 2030. In Europe, this number has increased in recent years in most European countries as well (70%). Since many years, the biomedical “Total Knee Replacement” (TKR) industry is static and stationary in terms of material evolution, design and surgical procedures, although the orthopaedic market is a never stop growing market. The knee orthopaedic market value was $9bn in 2017 with a constant CAGR of 3% until 2020. BD-KNEE project is a medical e-platform that design and develop a family of medical devices and processes for the total knee replacement using the most advanced technologies (Electron Beam Melting or EBM 3D printing, Innovative software) at competitive cost and price (50% cheaper than the premium alternative ConforMis, our main competitor). Moreover, BD-KNEE e-medical platform reduces the rehabilitation of the patient, reducing the surgical time in OR thanks to customized pre-op software (design the implants and instrumentations for each patient) and intra-op software (a surgical technique to guide the surgeons). This project will have an important impact on the growth of BD-KNEE consortium, enabling to reach additional revenues of €30.36 million by 2025 and imply a growth in personnel, with the creation of 55 new jobs.


IA - Innovation action


€ 1 702 022,50

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Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Bologna
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 2 431 460,72

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