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Eco-Smart Twist & Pop Closure System to Control Bubbles in Carbonated Beverages

Descrizione del progetto

Un nuovo tappo di bottiglia per brindare all’ecologia

In Europa e a livello mondiale il vetro costituisce il materiale di confezionamento ad anello chiuso più riciclato. Eppure, mentre è possibile riciclare le bottiglie di birra e di vino, lo stesso non vale per i tappi. In termini di sostenibilità, gli odierni sistemi di tappatura per vini frizzanti, birre e bevande gassate presentano basse prestazioni a causa dei materiali utilizzati, quali tappi a vite in metallo e soluzioni non riutilizzabili, come i tappi di sughero. Il progetto Eco-Closure, finanziato dall’UE, ha sviluppato un nuovo sistema per ovviare a questo problema. Il suo sistema di tappatura «Twist & Pop» (Gira e stappa) è basato su un modello unico brevettato costituito da un solo materiale che non pregiudica la neutralità sensoriale, garantisce l’ermeticità delle bottiglie contenenti bevande gassate e, soprattutto, è riciclabile e riutilizzabile al 100 %.


Have you ever realised that the cap on your beer bottle cannot be recycled? If so, then you are aware of one of the key problems in the Caps and Closures carbonated beverage market: the lack of sustainability. Current closures systems for sparkling wine, beers or carbonated soft drinks are underperforming due their highly demanding features and their current linear take-make-dispose system of use. Among technical challenges in the production and expedition processes are: oxidation in humid environments (e.g. during the production of sparkling wine in the traditional méthode Champenoise), difficulty in recycling multi-material closures like metal screw caps, non-reusability features (e.g. cork closure are not reusable), and the increased costs and production downtimes due to bottle breakage caused by the high force applied to the bottle in crown corks. Thus, current systems are inefficient in terms of sensorial, technical and environmental performance and do not comply with circular economy packaging requirements.
The Twist & Pop closure system is based on a unique patented mono-material design that does not compromise the sensorial neutrality, ensures the sealing of the carbonated beverages bottles and most importantly is 100% recyclable and reusable. Our innovative technology (TRL6) is the solution for the current sustainability challenges of the Caps & Closures market. We have more than 15 years of R&D trajectory and a solid ecosystem of stakeholders (e.g. Importacions Decavi, Della Toffola Group, HUSKY Injection Molding System). We have raised great interest among Spanish cava producers (Vallformosa), beer breweries (Heineken), and international players in packaging (HSK). We plan to develop our prototypes up to a market-ready solution at their facilities. We aim to become a global leader in the design and manufacture of smart Caps & Closures for the carbonated beverage market and now we are applying to the SME Instrument Phase 1 to carry out a Feasibility Study

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 71 429,00