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Fulfilling the 5G Promise

Descrizione del progetto

Un quadro europeo di supporto per il 5G PPP

Il progetto Full5G, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di favorire le attività dell’iniziativa europea 5G come illustrato nel partenariato pubblico-privato 5G (5G PPP) durante la sua terza fase (giugno 2019-settembre 2021). Il progetto mette in evidenza i risultati del 5G PPP e l’impatto che questi hanno avuto sull’evoluzione del 5G in Europa nel corso di tale partenariato. Aspirando a mantenere e rafforzare la competitività dell’industria europea delle TIC, Full5G supporta attività in cui il 5G PPP può contribuire all’implementazione del piano d’azione europeo per il 5G. Infine, il progetto intende riesaminare e promuovere i risultati del 5G PPP nel suo complesso.


This Full-5G project has a prime objective to facilitate the activities of the European 5G Initiative during as outlined in the 5G contractual Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) during its’ third phase from June 2019 to September 2021.

In addition to this, the Full-5G project will assess the achievements of the 5G PPP and impact these results have had on the evolution of 5G in Europe over the period of life of the 5G PPP. This work will also look to the future and consider what additional actions are necessary to maintain the European momentum and leadership in 5G and facilitate the uptake of 5G by the European vertical sectors.

The Full-5G project will work to progress the 5G PPP high level goal of maintaining and enhancing the competitiveness of the European ICT industry, and seeking European leadership in the 5G domain. Part of the strategy to do this will be to support activities where the 5G PPP can contribute to the implementation of the European 5G Action Plan, which was published by the EU Commission in September, 2016.

The Full-5G project also has the underlying ambition to ensure that European society, via the Vertical sectors, can enjoy the economic and societal benefits these future 5G networks can provide.

Another key part of the anticipated Full-5G project work will be the review and promotion of the results of the 5G PPP as a whole. The project will prepare an Impact Analysis that will capture the impact of the PPP on the evolution of 5G in Europe and seek to correlate this to the social and economic trends emerging from the uptake of 5G.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 471 125,00
69123 Heidelberg

Mostra sulla mappa

Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Heidelberg, Stadtkreis
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 471 125,00

Partecipanti (13)