Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PHArA-ON (Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-09-01 al 2023-12-31
Pharaon will follow a user-centric approach for maximum usability and acceptance of all users and stakeholders. User feedback will be monitored and used to shape the customization and evolution of the system. A specific evaluation framework will be used to assess impact. Consortium experts will provide guidelines and requirements regarding data privacy legislation, ethical and legal issues, as well as cybersecurity and privacy designs, which will become key objectives to pursue.
Pharaon’s integrated platforms will be deployed and validated in three stages, (1) in-lab, (2) pre-validation for early-stage debugging, and (3) large-scale pilots (LSPs). Pre-validation and LSPs will take place in six different sites: Murcia and Andalusia (Spain), Portugal, The Netherlands, Slovenia and Italy.
Through the 6 planned pilots and the activities addressing ecosystem expansion, the Pharaon project will demonstrate the suitability of the platforms to integrate digital technologies and the capacity of these technologies to keep people at their homes longer, while using institutional care facilities only when intensive care is needed.
• to define a strategy for the market uptake and sustainability after the project’s end;
• to identify and involve the relevant needed actors for the service introduction into the daily practice;
• to share best practice both inside and outside the consortium in order to address all the key points that are necessary in the pathway towards the market.
Thus, this task strictly worked with other WPs and wanted to provide a holistic approach and vision towards impact.
According to the overall Impact Assurance approach, the key phase entails 3 main steps:
• Definition of methodology to support pilot sites in the definition of a sustainable PHArA-ON Service Business Model
• Test the methodology with the Italian pilot site
• Apply the methodology with all the PHArA-ON pilot sites
The methodology, which results will be included into D1.5 “Report on project impact” (M60) has been applied to all the Pharaon’s pilot sites in occasion of the in presence meeting with this order:
• Italy - March 2022
• Slovenia - July 2022
• Portugal (Amadora and Coimbra) – September 2022
• Murcia – January 2023
• Andalusia– May 2023
• Netherlands – February 2024
The impact assurance activity is strictly assisted and supported by the impact assessment action as implemented in T7.4 “Impact Assessment”. The analysis of the impact generated by Pharaon on users’ wellbeing, on their technology acceptance and cost effectiveness analysis is still ongoing (complete results will be included in D7.5 “Impact Assessment Results” (M60). Some key preliminary results are included in T7.4 activity description and will be further explored over the final phase of the project taking into consideration the heterogeneity of Pharaon’s ecosystem in terms of geographical application areas, deployed technologies, different types of users with different backgrounds etc. The impact assessment analysis will concentrate also on the analysis of the association between different variables and to the understanding of the relationships among them.
Furthermore, PHArA-ON contributes to the sustainability and scale-up of existing and future business models and thus reduces the risk of their obsolescence by supporting technological and market scalability and thereby enhancing the competitive supply of good quality services. Further achievements on impact maximisation are:
● In-depth analysis and identification of five different exploitation pathways for pilots to leverage their solutions effectively.
● Preparation of solution brochures to showcase technologies, enabling potential clients to explore various options and select the most suitable ones for their needs.
● Continual optimisation of the CATAALOG database and ongoing implementation of the admin panels to provide stakeholders and technology partners the opportunity to market their products, services and innovations in a curated marketplace environment.
Classification of solutions according to the TAALXONOMY framework in order to enhance the potential and findability within the CATAALOG platform.