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D 35 Second report on mapping of EOSC prospective service providers and candidate services This deliverable will provide a list of additional EOSC prospective service providers and candidate services and will report on the work done to integrate the first set of services and the result of this integration
Service deployment and cloud computing on distributed Nordic cloud resourcesD 59 Service deployment and cloud computing on distributed Nordic cloud resources This deliverable will describe the solution showcased to enable service deployment and cloud computing on distributed Nordic cloud resources The demonstrator will be applied to leverage computing workflows involving artificial intelligence algorithm for language analysis and postprocessing of biodiversity data
Report on the implementation of X-Road in the Nordics and recommendations to EOSCD 37 Report on the implementation of XRoad in the Nordics and recommendations to EOSC This deliverable will summarise the proofofconcepts and lessons learnt when integrating data registries and EOSCcompliant service providers in a crossborder environment The deliverable will also include recommendation for treating such scenarios on a wider scale
Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (final report)D 28 Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries final report This deliverable will provide an updated assessment of the status of open science policies and the provisioning of infrastructure resources and services in the Nordic and Baltic countries and will report on the adoption of the EOSC perspective within the national policies
Report on the interactions, synergies and cooperation with EOSC related initiatives and their outcomeD13 Summary of the interactions synergies and cooperation with EOSC related initiative and their outcome
The EOSC delivery chainD 2.4 The EOSC delivery chain: This deliverable will look at EOSC from the perspective of the delivery chain and identify the different actors that belong to the EOSC chain and map their roles and responsibilities.
Sustaining the coordination of EOSC national initiatives at Nordic levelD 29Sustaining the coordination of EOSC national initiatives at Nordic level This deliverable will wrap up the project outputs which are relevant for policymakers and present the benefits and positive impacts of EOSC for the Nordics It will assess the Nordic Added Value Nordisk nytte of a coordinated approach around EOSC and propose recommendations for sustaining this collaboration in the context of EOSC
Programmatic access and resource provisioning of servicesD 3.4 Programmatic access and resource provisioning of services: This deliverable will report on the development of a programmatic access and resource provisioning interface for connecting services to a central catalogue.
Feasibility assessment of the implementation of X-Road for research dataD 36 Feasibility assessment of the implementation of XRoad for research data The deliverable will report on the analysis and initial proofofconcept for connecting EOSC providers with data source over XRoad protocols in a crossborder setup
Programmatic access and resource provisioning of Nordic services via EOSC MarketplaceD 38 Programmatic access and resource provisioning of Nordic services via EOSC Marketplace This deliverable will report on the results of connecting services to EOSC marketplace through the programmatic interface
Initial report on Nordic repositories and their FAIR practicesD 4.1 Initial report on Nordic repositories and their FAIR practices: This report will provide an overview of data repositories in the region, including updated details on their supported features relevant to FAIR practices and calculated FAIR metrics to quantify each repositories support for F, A, I and R. The report will provide an overview of the state of FAIR in the Nordics at an early point in time of the project.
First report on mapping of EOSC prospective service providers and candidate servicesD 3.2 First report on mapping of EOSC prospective service providers and candidate services: This deliverable will provide a list of EOSC prospective service providers and candidate services coming from the Nordic and Baltic countries. Candidate services will be described in this deliverable according to the EOSC agreed template and assessed against the compliance checklist and maturity model developed in D3.1.
Cross borders computing through portalsD 5.2 Cross borders computing through portals: This deliverable will present a list of API modules designed to support submission of computations from community specific portals to a variety of scheduling systems. The modules will be applied to achieve the integration between the Galaxy and the PlutoF portals with the different schedulers present in the Nordic HPC clusters.
Final communications and outreach strategy reportD 65 Final communications and outreach strategy report This deliverable will wrap up WP6 activities and tangible outputs and achievements at the end of the project highlighting recommendations for future developments and emphasising future trends that emerged in the course of the event
Virtual Computing LaboratoriesD 53 Virtual Computing Laboratories This deliverable will present the receipe to provide researchers with a persistent environment consisting of versioned tools data and jobscripts to reproduce the same results regardless what is the computational facility the analysis is conducted on Preliminary results will be presented to enable Natural Language Processing workflows
EOSC Service compliance checklist and maturity modelD 3.1 EOSC Service compliance checklist and maturity model: This deliverable will present the service compliance checklist and the capacity maturity model that will be used to guide prospective service providers for complying with EOSC requirements. The checklist and maturity model will be a live document that will be updated according to EOSC developments.
Cross-border collaboration in the context of EOSCD 26 Crossborder collaboration in the context of EOSC This deliverable will review and assess the value and impact of the collaboration model proposed by EOSC in the Nordic and Baltic countries Particular attention will be paid to costrecovery and business models which will be tested against the demonstrators carried out in WP5 and the concrete usage of services made available via the EOSC catalogue The deliverable will assess the real costs of opening up services as part of EOSC and propose relevant funding and business models to sustain these services as part of EOSC
Final report on the integration of services into EOSCD 39 Final report on the integration of services into EOSC This deliverable will review the integration of services into EOSC and report on their uptake within EOSC
Open Science in the Nordics: recommendations on legal issuesD 27 Open Science in the Nordics recommendations on legal issues This deliverable will provide recommendations with regard to the implementation of EOSC standards and policies in the Nordics
Knowledge Hub establishmentD 64 Knowledge Hub establishmentThis deliverable will provide a detailed presentation and assessment of the implementation of the knowledge hub within the project and include a plan for sustaining the hub after the project lifetime
Report on Nordic repositories and their uptake of FAIRD 43 Report on Nordic repositories and their uptake of FAIR This report will be a direct followup of D41 at approximately 18 months later providing updated details on repositories supported features and the state of FAIR as in the previous report This provides a direct measurement of the difference between FAIR uptake and thereby an indication of the impact of actions initiated in the project
Service interoperability frameworkD 3.3 Service interoperability framework: This deliverable will provide a set of observations about service interoperability across services providers. In addition, it will present a selected set of recommendations to be taken into account in further development of the EOSC Interoperability Framework. Organisational, semantic, technical and legal (leveraging work from WP2) will be in scope.
Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (second report)D 2.5 Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (second report): This deliverable will provide an updated assessment of the status of open science policies and the provisioning of infrastructure resources and services in the Nordic and Baltic countries. It will provide an interim report on the adoption of EOSC perspective within the national policies, following recommendations set in D2.1 and update the roadmap
Report and recommendations on FAIR incentives and expected impacts in the Nordics, Baltics and EOSCD 44 Report and recommendations on FAIR incentives and expected impacts in the Nordics Baltics and EOSC This deliverable will provide a report on existing and suggested incentives their expected impacts on data sharing and recommended actions to facilitate the implementation of these incentives The report will also include comments resulting from meetings with stakeholders and policy makers in the region
Cross border collaboration models – the Nordic experienceD 2.2 Cross border collaboration models – the Nordic experience: This task will review the past experience of organising cross-border collaboration and access to resources and draw up lessons which can be reused in EOSC. Governance, resource sharing, coordination & harmonisation of policies, as well as cross-border funding will be in scope. The deliverable will assess the past developments against the anticipated EOSC model and provide national initiatives involved in the project an initial set of recommendations as how to further develop cross-collaboration in light of EOSC developments
Report on completed FAIR data standard adoption and certifications of data repositories in the regionD 45 Report on completed FAIR data standard adoption and certifications of data repositories in the region This report will summarise the efforts that have gone into supporting selected communities to adopt a FAIR data standard It will also summarise the process and lessons learned from communities that agreed to perform a certification process of their respective data repository
Open Science in the Nordics: legal insightsD 2.3 Open Science in the Nordics: Legal insights This deliverable will assess the legal frameworks in the Nordic and Baltic countries with regard to the implementation of EOSC standards and policies. The sharing and safe processing of both open and “restricted” data from across borders will be in scope
Open science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (first report)D 2.1 Open science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (first report): This deliverable will provide a first assessment of the status of open science policies and the provisioning of infrastructure resources and services in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The report will identify gaps with regards to EOSC practices and propose a set of recommendations and a roadmap for aligning with EOSC.
D 57 Mapping of technical repositoryspecific harvesting endpoints to jointly agreed domainspecific standards and coordination of semantic mapping procedures In this deliverable reusable instructions for mapping repositoryspecific endpoints to OAIPMH endpoints are created taking into account domainspecific requirements and B2FIND requirements In alignment with B2FIND requirements semantic concepts are analysed in the research areas and aligned in relevant core areas M36
Actionable Modular Data Management for brokering distributed resourcesD 55 Actionable Modular Data Management for brokering distributed resources The deliverable will report the experience gained in building an actionable DMP tool able to translate the DMP elements into a set rules to operate across data repositories services and governmental bodies The experience gained on the translation of the plan elements into verifiable objects and the enforcement and verification of the plan elements will feed to the data management RDA working group
Integrated data management workflowD 54 Integrated data management workflow The deliverable will present how to support cross borders data management and data driven distributed computing through workflow that creates replicas of the community data repositories on the different computing sites and foster data aggregation and interlinkage of sharing and active data storages Report on how to apply the demonstrator for language analysis and climate modelling workflows will be also provided in the deliverable
Discovery and re-use of Nordic community specific data in EOSCD 5.1 Discovery and re-use of Nordic community specific data in EOSC: This deliverable will present the receipt for harvesting metadata from Nordic repositories to EOSC metadata catalogue (B2FIND). Preliminary work on how to adopt the recipe to expose viking-age repositories will be reported, together with a list of candidate repositories to be harvested in the EOSC.
Gudmund Høst, Lene Krøl Andersen, Abdulrahman Azab
Veröffentlicht in:
EU Research, 2022, ISSN 2752-4728
EU Research
Urmas Kõljalg, Henrik R. Nilsson, Dmitry Schigel, Leho Tedersoo, Karl-Henrik Larsson, Tom W. May, Andy F. S. Taylor, Thomas Stjernegaard Jeppesen, Tobias Guldberg Frøslev, Björn D. Lindahl, Kadri Põldmaa, Irja Saar, Ave Suija, Anton Savchenko, Iryna Yatsiuk, Kristjan Adojaan, Filipp Ivanov, Timo Piirmann, Raivo Pöhönen, Allan Zirk, Kessy Abarenkov
Veröffentlicht in:
Microorganisms, Ausgabe 8/12, 2020, Seite(n) 1910, ISSN 2076-2607
Victor Anton, Jannes Germishuys, Per Bergström, Mats Lindegarth, Matthias Obst
Veröffentlicht in:
Biodiversity Data Journal, Ausgabe 9, 2021, ISSN 1314-2828
Pensoft Publishers
Kessy Abarenkov, Anne Fouilloux, Helmut Neukirchen, Abdulrahman Azab
Veröffentlicht in:
2nd Workshop on Reproducible Workflows, Data Management, and Security, 2022
2nd Workshop on Reproducible Workflows, Data Management, and Security
Abdulrahman Azab
Veröffentlicht in:
Smart Computing and Communication. SmartCom 2021, 2022, Seite(n) pp 374–383, ISBN 978-3-030-97774-0
Springer, Cham
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