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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

HIgh storage density solar power plant for FLEXible energy systems


Sonnenenergie zuverlässig übertragen

Kraftwerke mit konzentrierter Solarthermie (wandeln Sonnenenergie in Strom um, indem direkt auf eine große Fläche einstrahlendes Sonnenlicht mithilfe von Spiegeln oder Linsen auf eine kleine Fläche konzentriert wird. Die erzeugte Wärme wird normalerweise in eine Salzschmelze übertragen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt HIFLEX wird einen flexiblen Prototyp eines Kraftwerks mit konzentrierter Solarthermie demonstrieren, bei dem die konventionellen Salzschmelzen durch eine Suspension aus festen Teilchen ersetzt werden, die Wärme speichern und übertragen können. Das Wärmespeichersystem wird bei Temperaturen von rund 700 Grad Celsius betrieben und soll zur Hälfte der Energiespeicherungskosten eine 2,5-fach höhere Energiespeicherdichte bieten. Der vorkommerzielle Prototyp wird in einer Nudelfabrik in Foggia, Italien, gebaut und erprobt.


The HIFLEX (“HIgh Storage Density Solar Power Plant for FLEXible Energy Systems”) proposal has the ambition to develop and demonstrate a complete pre-commercial flexible CSP prototype plant featuring cheap solid particles as storage and heat transfer medium. Operation of the thermal storage system over a temperature span of 700°C results in a 2.5x higher storage density and 50% lower cost. During the project a complete pre-commercial solar tower system will be developed and built. The system will be located at a Barilla pasta plant in Foggia, Italy, with the following components: a 20 MWh thermal storage able to provide 800 kWth for 24h, innovative solar particle receiver with 2.5 MWth peak power, heliostat field with about 6000m² of mirror area, a 620°C particle steam generator, a 100 kW electric heater and a 800 kW fuel heater.
Fast ramping steam generation at 620°C enabling grid balancing will be demonstrated. The renewable-fuel heater ensures weather-independent availability. Further support of grid stability is achieved by using excess or cheap power from the grid to charge the storage for time-shifted electricity production (power-to-heat-to-power).
Continuous long-term operation for 18 months will be conducted to prove the performance. The project aims to verify the technical maturity of the technology for market introduction. Based on the experience from the pre-commercial prototype, the cost reduction potential for a 100 MWe solar tower plant will be validated, as well as the least-cost mix of renewables (PV, wind power, CSP, storage capacity, power-to-heat capacity, renewable fuel) for the future commercial application at Barilla as CHP system will be evaluated.
A business plan will be developed for fast market introduction of the technology. The project will provide a strong showcase, as basis for the exploitation activities to create new market opportunities, reduce market barriers and build confidence into the technology.

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IA - Innovation action


€ 1 346 381,25
00148 Roma

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€ 3 895 401,79

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