Risultati finali
Description, assessment and characterisation of the four case study regions. Will describe (a) biomass availability, (b) framework conditions (c) physical infrastructure (d) existing collaboration structures between prospective bioenergy supply chain stakeholders). Participating partners: DBFZ, BFR, CRES, CERTH, RE-CORD, ENI, BTL, GFN, TCT, AM, RENEWI, GOODFUELS, CLUBE Related to task: 5.2
Sector perspectives on IBCsSet of reports outlining the perspectives of IBC implementation in four European industrial sectors IBC consuming or IBC producing Strategic impact documents discussing their deployment potentialParticipating partners BTG WIP IBTC TCT AMRelated to task 62
Reports on regional engagement workshopsFor each of the four case study regions short report max 10 pages each on the implementation of stakeholder engagement workshops In English andor local languageParticipating partners BFR CRES CERTH RECORD GFN AMRelated to task 37
Guidance Document for IBC project developmentGuidance document assisting IBC technology and project developers English with Greek and Italian translations Will assist project or technology developers in the efficient development of a robust feasibility studyParticipating partners CERTH RECORD all partnersRelated to task 63
Description of IBC market potentialReport on the results of forward and backward casting to determine the number of IBC plants (pyrolysis & torrefaction) that could be potentially realised in the EU in 2025 and 2030 respectively. Participating partners: all. Related to task: 2.2
Policy Recommendations on IBCsGuidance document on policy recommendations for IBC deployment Will discuss preferable conditions for IBC technologies deployment Will integrate and represent the main conclusions of the project To be prepared in English national versionsParticipating partners BTG BFR CRES RECORD IBTC GFNRelated to task 64
EU level strategies and recommendationsShort report max 10 pages describing EU level strategies and recommendations on how a positive environment for IBCs can be established or supported and how hindrances can be overcome Participating partners BTG BFR CRES CERTH RECORD ENI BTL GFN TCT AM RENEWI GOODFUELS CLUBERelated to task 36
Initial and final Communication and Dissemination planThe Communication and Dissemination plan will include a strategy for communication and an approach for planning and monitoring dissemination activities such as publication conference presentations social network activities etcParticipating partners allRelated to task 86First release due in M6 Updates every 6 months throughout the project lifetime M12 M18 M24 M30 M36 Final release in M42 will describe actual achievements as well as outline foreseen followup exploitation activities beyond the duration of the project
Online environmental data and Green Certificate toolThe regional biomass trade toolapp will be updated to include a simplified estimation of emissions of fossilbased CO2 and compared to the energy content of the biomass intermediate carrierRelated to task 44
EU and national regulatory frameworkReport assessing EU and national legislative, institutional, and political frameworks, plus economic, social, and regulatory implications, that are of key relevance for the market introduction and large-scale utilisation of IBC and respective technologies. Participating partners: BTG, DBFZ, BFR, CRES, IBTC, GFN, AM Related to task: 2.3
Set of stakeholder factsheetsSeries of internal documents (one for each case study region), listing stakeholders who are the most interested to partake in the regional discourse. Participating partners: CRES, CERTH, RE-CORD, BFR, AM Related to task: T3.1
Set of four Strategic Case Studies (public edition)For each of the 4 strategic case studies a shorter public version of the assessment document will be producedParticipating partners DBFZ BFR CRES CERTH RECORD ENI BTL GFN TCT AM RENEWI GOODFUELS CLUBERelated to task 55
Engagement workshop format(s) and contentReport on the format and content of stakeholder engagement workshops In each of the four case study regions up to 4 engagement workshops will be implemented Aim is to bring together regional stakeholders to discuss the survey and the draft questionnaire Yr1 to examine hard and soft factors identified in T34 and T35 Yr2 and to present the final analyses and regionspecific recommendations Yr3Participating partners BFR CRES CERTH RECORD AMRelated to task 37Four releases of the deliverable are planned in M7 March 2020 covering Yr1 workshops M23 July 2021 covering Yr2 workshops M32 April 2022 covering Yr3 workshops and M38 October covering the final workshops
Report on key lessons and experiences from IWG meetingsShort report presenting the key lessons and experiences from meetings of the 3 Industrial Working Groups IWGs For each IWG a physical meeting and an online meeting is foreseen 6 meetings in total The deliverable will feed the elaboration of policy recommendations in WP6 Task 64Participating partners allRelated to task 74
Software and tools for selected case studiesDevelopment and/or application of existing GIS systems for various case study regions. GIS system coverage will vary from region to region based on the respective maturity of the bioenergy market. Participating partners: BFR, CERTH, RE-CORD Related to task: 4.2
Methodological framework(s)Framework(s) for data collection and analysis for use in (1) the WP5 case studies and in (2) T3.4/T3.5 analyses. Developed to ensure consistency and comparability of the data. Participating partners: BTG, BFR, CRES, CERTH, RE-CORD, ENI, BTL, GFN, TCT, AM, RENEWI, GOODFUELS, CLUBE Related to task: T3.3
National strategies and recommendationsFor each of the four case study regions short report max 10 pages describing national strategies and recommendations on how a positive environment for IBCs can be established or supported and how hindrances can be overcome Participating partners BTG BFR CRES CERTH RECORD ENI BTL GFN TCT AM RENEWI GOODFUELS CLUBERelated to task 36
Recommendations from case studiesShort report documenting lessons learned and barriers identified while elaborating the case studies operation of the supply chain cost and environmental assessment as well as market penetration benefits and deriving recommendations for a the economic actors covered in the case studies and b policy makersParticipating partners DBFZ BFR CRES CERTH RECORD ENI BTL GFN TCT AM RENEWI GOODFUELS CLUBERelated to task 56
White papers on IBC technologies and state of artReport on the status of IBC technologies and market perspectives including application for nonenergetic processes Full report and publishable summariesParticipating partners BTG RECORD ENI BTL TCTRelated to task 61
Results of the industry surveyResults of surveying industry stakeholders through questionnaires. Will describe technical, economic, environmental and political drivers and barriers of intermediate bioenergy carriers, reasons for delays in market pickup, etc. Participating partners: all Related to task: 7.3
Report on the Final International Dissemination WorkshopParticipants list highlights from presentations and discussions etcParticipating partners BTG DBFZ WIP all Related to task 76
Summary paper for policy makersThe summary paper will show technical and non-technical information from the previous tasks, as well as highlight the opportunities, barriers and challenges in regarding IBC market uptake. Participating partners: BTG, DBFZ, BFR, CRES, CERTH, RE-CORD, IBTC Related to task: T2.4
Open Access Review ArticleArticle on Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Innovative Technologies and Learning from Transdisciplinary Supply Chain Methods Will assess 1 the catch 22 problem of innovative technologies and 2 lessons from supply chain methodsstrategies utilised in other markets and industriesRelated to task T32
Set of four Advanced Case Studies (public edition)For each of the 4 advanced case studies a shorter public version of the assessment document will be produced. Participating partners: DBFZ, BFR, CRES, CERTH, RE-CORD, ENI, BTL, GFN, TCT, AM, RENEWI, GOODFUELS, CLUBE Related to task: 5.4
Publishable final report for broad dissemination to relevant stakeholdersA short publishable final report on project findings and results for broad dissemination to relevant stakeholders including industrial partners market actors but also broader stakeholders including GOs and NGOsRelated to task 14
PowerPoint presentations on lessons learned from earlier projectsSet of seven PowerPoint (PPT) presentations on lessons learned from earlier projects. The PPT presentations will (a) synthesise recent relevant results and findings of biomass mobilisation and logistics research and (b) describe recent experience and best-in-class examples of intermediate bioenergy carriers deployment and associated logistics. Participating partners: BFR, CRES, CERTH, and RE-CORD Related to task: 2.1
Inventory of software and tools for biomass sourcing and biomass supply chainsReview will cover software and tools, produced in other EU-funded projects, on biomass availability assessment and biomass mobilisation as well as models on regional biomass potential. Participating partners: CERTH, RE-CORD Related to task: 4.1
Project poster and/or roll-ups will be developed for dissemination purposes at project events and other dissemination events (e.g. conferences). They will feature the project logo and project identity. Participating partners: WIP Related to task: 8.3
Project flyerFlyer in English and in national languages. It will feature the project logo and project identity, and will include a short summary, main objectives and a list of partners of the project. Participating partners: BTG Related to task: 8.2
Stakeholder list (public edition)Overview of 1 immediate and 2 broader stakeholders in the four case study regions Containing only institutional data company names and official contactsParticipating partners BTG BFR CRES CERTH RECORD ENI BTL GFN TCT AM RENEWI GOODFUELS CLUBERelated to task 31Three releases of the overview are planned an initial overview in M6 an update in M23 and a final version in M39
Website with general project info (objective, partners, demo cases). Will include repository for public deliverables, announcements of project events, reports on project activities etc. Participating partners: BTG Related to task: 8.1
Kardaras, G., Kraia, T., Bam-paou, M., Christou, M., Panopoulos, K.D., Marnellos, G.E.
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 30th European Bio-mass Conference & Ex-hibition (EUBCE 2022), 2022, ISBN 978-88-89407-22-6
Talluri, G., Salimbeni, A., Rizzo, A.M., Chiaramonti, D., Trombi, G., Bartoloni, N., Dibari, C., Bindi, M., Kardaras, G., Panopoulos, K.D., Kraia, Tz., Van Der Stricht, W.
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 30th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE 2022), 2022, ISBN 978-88-89407-22-6
Kraia, Tz., Kardaras, G., Panopoulos, K.D.
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 30th European Bio-mass Conference & Ex-hibition (EUBCE 2022), 2022, ISBN 978-88-89407-22-6
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