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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

LIdar Knowledge Europe

Descrizione del progetto

Rete di formazione sulle tecnologie eoliche LIDAR

La misurazione del vento con radar ottico (LIDAR) è una tecnica in cui i raggi laser vengono utilizzati per misurare la velocità e la direzione del vento con elevata precisione. Finanziato nell’ambito del programma Marie Skłodowska-Curie, il progetto LIKE formerà una nuova generazione di scienziati sulle tecniche emergenti di misurazione del vento basate sul laser e su come queste possano trovare applicazioni pratiche nel settore. La previsione accurata del rendimento energetico è vitale per il successo delle turbine eoliche o di interi parchi eolici per aumentare la produzione di energia e ridurre i carichi meccanici. Essa può inoltre rafforzare la sicurezza dell’atterraggio mappando insoliti schemi di flusso atmosferico sugli aeroporti o contribuire a creare progetti di ponti ottimali mappando gli effetti della turbolenza del vento sui ponti.


LIdar Knowledge Europe (LIKE) fosters training and education of young researchers on emerging laser-based wind measurement technologies and its translation into industrial applications. Doppler Lidars (light detection and ranging) that measured the wind in the atmosphere remotely have reduced in price and increased reliability over the last decade mainly driven by European universities and companies serving the growing wind energy industry. This opens the possibility for new applications in many areas. LIKE improves, tests and refines the technology thus expanding these areas of application. LIKE promotes wind energy applications such as wind resource mapping using scanning lidars and control of individual wind turbines or entire wind farms in order to increase energy production and reduce mechanical loads. LIKE maps unusual atmospheric flow patterns over airports in real-time and thus improves the safety of landing aircrafts. LIKE explores wind and turbulence under extreme conditions at the sites of future European bridges paving the road for optimal bridge design. LIKE trains 15 ESRs to an outstanding level at world-leading European academic institutions and industrial companies, thus forming strong interdisciplinary relations between industry and technical sciences. These relations are implemented through employment of the ESRs at academia as well as industry, and through inter-sectoral secondments. Finally, translation of technology into specific applications is emphasised through the implementation of an entrepreneurship training course involving all ESRs and LIKE partners, particularly industry.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 487 610,00
2800 Kongens Lyngby

Mostra sulla mappa

Danmark Hovedstaden Københavns omegn
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 487 610,00

Partecipanti (9)