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Technology to turn waste from rapeseed oil production into valuable food protein.

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ALSEOS (Technology to turn waste from rapeseed oil production into valuable food protein.)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-10-01 bis 2022-04-30

NapiFeryn BioTech (NFB in short) has developed a universal technology platform centered around its proprietary unit operation ALSEOS (Aqueous Low-Shear Extraction of Oil Seeds) that is capable of recovery of native proteins from oilseeds under mild fractionation conditions. As the first industrial application, rapeseed is targeted and the entire protein content is recovered as two complementary protein products: protein isolate Raptein®90 and protein-fibre concentrate Raptein®30, both products showing excellent functional properties desired in the food applications.

The rapeseed-derived protein products can be used as an alternative for the animal- and/or soy protein. Moreover, the NFB technology allows also for the valorisation of all major side streams generated in the technological process, which significantly improves the economic parameters and attractiveness of the NFBs value proposition to potential customers from the oilseed processing industry. NapiFeryn BioTech will disseminate its proprietary technology to oilseed processors and integrated distributors of food ingredients to the global food industry. The business model is based on nonexclusive licensing agreements with oilseed processors and an exclusive go-to-market partnership with one selected global distributor of food ingredients.

The main objective of the project is to bring NFB’s technology readiness to the level that enables an investment decision of NFBs industrial partners to build the first-in-kind biorefinery plant (Demo Plant) that will produce NFB’s Raptein® line of products.

The second objective of the project is to prepare for the market launch of the Raptein® products in major markets: the EU and US and to synchronize these efforts with the construction and qualification of the Demo Plant.
NFB implemented successfully most activities defined in the application for financing during the third year of the project and by doing so accomplished significant progress in achieving overall objectives of the project.
The ALSEOS line with a capacity of 150L was built in compliance with food standards. The entire line is located in one space in the Research Organization (Bionanopark). The pilot facility has been designed and delivered samples for regulatory purposes. we have implemented the GMP and HACCP standards.

Thanks to this the obtained samples of protein products were sent to external laboratories and tested there. Documents for reporting Raptein 90 and Raptein 30 for registration of Novel Food (EU) and GRAS (US) have been prepared. The dossier documents were submitted and are currently under revision by the FDA and EFSA.
We conducted application tests of Raptein 30 and Raptein 90 in various formulations/applications:
Plant-based drink, plant-based yogurt alternative, and Plant-based drink from powder (RTM - Ready To Make) gluten-free bread.
The line is ready to deliver larger quantities of protein products that will be required for precommercial trials to be performed by NFB go-to-market partners and prospective customers from the food industry.

Thanks to the tests carried out in WP1 and WP2, the NFB team, supported by the selected contractor A / E (Architect / Engineering) PM Group (Birmingham GB / Wrocław PL), developed the concept of the Rapeseed Bio-refinery. These efforts resulted in a complex Biorefinery Engineering Design (CED) package that will be offered to potential NFB technology licensees as an integral part of the technology transfer package.

The main deliverables in the package are user requirement specifications for the feedstock material, ,mass and energy balances for the production process, also CAPEX and OPEX calculations for the different process configurations and production scales. Information contained in the CED package will enable the prospective licensee to make an initiated investment decision.
The 2000L pilot line located in Żórawina was prepared and approved as planned. The NFB performed preparatory works, incl. ordering and qualification of raw materials.

NapiFeryn applied for the worldwide patent protection of the 3rd and 4th IP packages generated during the project (PCT/EP2019/069113).
Protecting our unique value proposition will enable the implementation of the business model based on licensing of our technology to selected partners operating on a global scale. Furthermore, we prepared the Commercialization Plan and defined the objectives for the successful commercialization of our technology package.
We prepared and realized a Communication Plan that enables us to effectively communicate about the project and its benefits to multiple audiences.

We have established contact with rapeseed processors (potential users of the technology) who have their headquarters in Europe, the USA Canada, or Australia and we are conducting talks with global rapeseed processing plants integrated with distribution possibilities.
Protein production and its new sources are global issues, which are under investigation of many parties. We can see that the problem is widespread, and our solution can be easily scalable in any part of the world. The problem of rapeseed cake waste is continuously growing worldwide. The ALSEOS is the only technology of the rapeseed protein processing future. Moreover, the food industry demands low-cost, healthy, bio-origin proteins for their food.

ALSEOS process is also well aligned with the current topics of the EU agenda:
1) enabling increased and sustainable production of proteins to meet targets of the new "European strategy on the development of plant proteins"
2) helps to meet waste reduction targets and is in line with the EU circular economy strategy;
3) less air pollution from importing proteins to EU. These are of critical importance to the EU.

The recently published report from the European Commission on “the development of plant proteins in the European Union (COM(2018)757) highlights that the market of plant proteins for food is expected to increase with a “double-digit annual growth rate” but R&D activities are needed to make these crops (and derived food products) more competitive as well as development in market outlets. Our project exactly contributes with its activities to bring to a market high-quality plant-based protein food ingredients.
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Raptein®90 and Raptein®30 in formulation.
Food show case at Napiferyn premises
Raptein™90 and Raptein™30.
Napiferyn pilot facility in Zorawina, Poland
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Napiferyn premises in Lodz