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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Technology to turn waste from rapeseed oil production into valuable food protein.


Rapskuchen könnte auch den Menschen Proteine liefern

Immer mehr Menschen entdecken aus verschiedenen Gründen eine Vorliebe für pflanzliche Proteine zur Deckung ihres Ernährungsbedarfs. Rapskuchen ist ein protein- und energiereiches Produkt aus stark gepresstem Raps, das als Nebenprodukt bei der Herstellung von Öl entsteht. Während es zwar häufig als Futtermittel für Nutztiere dient, wurde es bislang nicht für den menschlichen Verzehr genutzt. Mit dem EU-finanzierten Projekt ALSEOS könnte sich das jedoch schon bald ändern. Das Wissenschaftlerteam plant, seine mehrfach patentierte Technologie zur Extraktion von hochwertigem Protein aus Rapskuchen in Form eines vollmaßstäblichen Demonstrators vorzuführen. Man geht davon aus, dass mit der Bioraffinerie der Umsatz der Rapsverarbeiter verdoppelt werden kann.


The continuing growth of world population is pushing demand for food. Climate changes and limited resources for farming lead to increased interest in new sources of nutrients alternative to meat. Additionally, human diet undergoes a significant shift towards proteins. Therefore, the growth of plant protein market is predicted to be drastically driven up in the coming years. Oilseeds, known for their high content of nutritious proteins, are expected to take center stage as main source of plant proteins aimed for human consumption. Nowadays, the main product of rapeseed processing is oil. A by-product – rapeseed cake – is used as animal feed. There is no commercial technology capable of extracting fully functional protein from rapeseed cake. At NapiFeryn BioTech (NFB) we came up with a new technology which allows more efficient use of this by-product. Our technology is protected with three patent applications. It enables full recovery of high-quality rapeseed cake proteins, ready to be used in food industry. Our business model is based on licensing of the technology to rapeseed processors. Licensing fee will be calculated individually for each oilseed processor or integrated formulator, based on the annual scale of the processed rapeseed. We have validated the pricing strategy with rapeseed processors. The first license agreement has been signed already in 2016. In the Ph2 project we aim primarily at delivering full-scale demonstrator (TRL9) of the rapeseed protein isolation technology at the commercial level (market launch), collect and prove all the data needed to quantify the cost-effectiveness of our technology. These activities will provide the input required for the main deliverables of the project: The Basic Engineering Level design of Biorefinery. With our technology the value that could be derived from the same amount of crop will double, from EUR 450 to EUR 900 per ton, which might be the only way for rapeseed processors to stay in business.

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