CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Progress towards Federated Logistics Through The Integration Of TEN-T into A Global Trade Network

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PLANET (Progress towards Federated Logistics Through The Integration Of TEN-T into A Global Trade Network)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-12-01 bis 2023-05-31

Project PLANET assessed the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T network and outlined the integration of the European to the Global Network considering both the (a) Geo-economics perspective, by modelling and specifying the dynamics of new trade routes and their impacts on logistics infrastructure & operations, with specific reference to TEN-T; and (b) the EU-Global network enablement through disruptive concepts and technologies (such as IoT, Blockchain and PI,) aligned with the DTLF concept of a federated network of T&L platforms.

PLANET delivered an integrated modelling and simulation capability and applied it taking into account policy and legislation initiatives to assess the geo-economics impact of the emerging trade routes on the TEN-T for the 2030- and 2050-time horizons, considering several plausible future scenarios (Rail Freight Corridors, Disadvantaged Regions, etc.). The project also utilised its micro-simulation capability to define and assess the impact of innovative PI-centric technologies and concepts at the business level. The results of the enhanced strategic simulations together with the results of the CCI calculations and the technological micro-simulations were the basis for defining the final reference specifications for the 2030 EGTN along with a recommended governance model. Based on the EGTN’s reference specifications, PLANET formulated the EGTN IT Architecture and prototyped components as open solution services that can be adopted by T&L stakeholders towards the development of Physical Internet. Some of the implemented solutions include route optimisation for end-to-end cargo transport and last mile delivery, blockchain-enabled smart-contracts, forecasting models of freight volume for the improvement of warehouse allocation of resources, and for the selection of better transportation nodes within network corridors, dynamic parcel re-shuffling for collaborative applications in last-mile cargo delivery and CO2 emissions calculations. Furthermore, the EGTN Connectivity Infrastructure facilitated data transformation and ingestion of weather and sensor data enabling powerful Track&Trace functionality based on EPCIS 2.0 events.

Finally, the project employed 3 EU-global real-world Living Labs including sea and rail for intercontinental connection providing the experimentation environment for designing and exploiting future PI- oriented Integrated Green EU-Global T&L Networks [EGTN]. PLANET’s LL1 evaluated and validated that novel technologies and concepts such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML) or Physical Internet (PI) enhance the efficiency of operational processes performed along the door-to-door (D2D) transport and logistics in the link between the Maritime Silk Road and EU internal corridors. As for LL2, this proved the importance of dynamic and synchro modal management of TEN-T & intercontinental rail freight flows, utilising the Port of Rotterdam (PoR) as the principal smart EGTN node in conjunction with rail focused transport chains. The focus area included intercontinental rail freight between China and the EU, but also considered linking China and Russia through Rotterdam to/from USA and the UK (shortsea and ocean freight). Lastly, LL3 streamlined logistic processes in flows from China to Europe along the Silk Road by implementing Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and GS1 standards that facilitate the transmission of data between the partners involved in the e-commerce operations.
During the second period the project developed and finalized its integrated micro- and macro (strategic)- level modelling and simulation capability in order to combine these two modelling dimensions and bring together the impact of innovative technologies and concepts at company/operational (micro) level and the geo-economic (macro) aspect of transportation for providing a more realistic view of the future and define the specifications for the EGTN. In addition, the connectivity of nodes along corridors has also been considered through the development of a new index, the Corridor Connectivity Index (CCI). The augmented knowledge of the future of transport emerging as a result of these activities consists a valuable tool for all types of supply chain stakeholders such as TEN-T Corridor participants, infrastructure and policy planners as well as industry/technology strategists. Finally, The results of the enhanced macro (strategic) simulations together with the results of the CCI calculations and the technological micro-simulations were the basis for defining the final reference specifications for the 2030 EGTN in terms of its physical and technological layer.

In parallel EGTN’s reference specifications, were the basis for formulating the EGTN IT Architecture, along with defining and prototyping components as open solution services that can be adopted by T&L stakeholders towards the development of a future Physical Internet. These components include an open-source blueprint that aims to empower organisations to build upon and implement collaborative logistics and new eCommerce models. Central element of the EGTN platform architecture is the IoT infrastructure’s blueprint, which defines how to set up a cooperative IoT-enabled PI environment with diverse capabilities, from end-to-end supply chain capabilities to secure and standard access of the information regarding the status of cargo. This was complemented by an ingestion connectivity infrastructure and unified model that streamlined information flows from heterogenous sources making use of EPICS 2.0 events for tracking shipments and representing sensor readings. For the integration of information from disparate sources, the provision of contextual information of transportation processes and a better understanding and future automation a knowledge graph was developed. In addition, PLANET project has identified 9 key exploitable results. 4 white papers, as well as roadmaps for the Blockchain, ML,IoT,Hyperloop,5G, UAV, 3D printing , and Intelligent Modular Load Units technologies, with a particular focus on the realization of the PI. Finally, all the aforementioned results, along with the public deliverables and additional materials can be found on PLANET website, PLANET page on ALICE Web and PLANET page in the Knowledge Platform.
PLANET through it's Living Lab testing activities has managed to improve the operational efficiency and market reach of the consortium partners and at the same time delivered open technologies accessible to all EU T&L actors and their international trade partners. The project also managed to contribute to both strategy and technology and created industry momentum in Federated Logistics and in the integration of TEN-T into a Global Trade Network. PLANET partners have recognized tangible improvements in planning, forecasting and cost reduction, along with efficiency gains through digitisation of administrative processes and improved integration and seamless integration with the global supply chain network. Finally, PLANET enhanced the capability of the involved actors to increase their market share through improved customer satisfaction, reduction in operational disruptions and, importantly, a deep understanding of the value of the application of emerging technologies on freight flows that ultimately reduce barriers to technology adoption for the wider T&L stakeholder community.