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BIOfilm-REsistant Materials for hard tissue Implant Applications

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BIOREMIA (BIOfilm-REsistant Materials for hard tissue Implant Applications)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-01-01 al 2021-12-31

BIOREMIA is an H2020 European Training Network which has the primary goal of training 15 young researchers in the field of biofilm-resistant biomaterials for bone-related implant applications. BIOREMIA Consortium comprises 11 Beneficiaries and 6 Partners from 12 countries.
Biomaterial-associated infections (BAI) caused by bacterial biofilms are a major cause of implant rejection. BAIs are difficult to treat, and in most cases, the final outcome of a BAI is removal of the implant. Since antibiotic treatments are controversially and ineffective for biofilm the best infection control approach is to develop novel preventive measures, for instance by acting on the implant material itself.
BIOREMIA aims to tackle this problem by proposing innovative material-based solutions with enhanced antimicrobial device functionality that will result in improved biological acceptance of implants for hard tissue applications (orthopedics and dentistry). This approach requires highly skilled researchers who have a deep understanding of antibacterial biomaterials, their fabrication and properties, and possess the necessary skills to convert knowledge and ideas into better medical devices.
BIOREMIA Network’s mission is to train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and provide them with the right combination of research-related and transferable competences, empowering them to become the next generation of experts in biomaterials and medical devices with reduced infection risk.
The scientific goals of BIOREMIA are:
• to design and produce novel knowledge-based biofilm-resistant materials and surfaces
• to test, measure, simulate and finally understand the macroscopic response of novel materials and surfaces under work conditions (biomechanical & -chemical behavior) and to select the most promising material candidates and processing regimes for up-scaling feasibility studies.
Fifteen individual ESR research projects put the biofilm-resistant materials research approach into practice. The recruited ESRs will use state of the art materials and surface modification technologies designed to potentially limit the initial stages of microbial adhesion, as well as the microbial growth and biofilm formation.
BIOREMIA has successfully achieved all the training and research objectives of the 1st reporting period. All beneficiaries and partner organisations are engaged and committed to the project as initially planned.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15 Early Stage Researchers were recruited and they are properly implementing their research projects and being trained as initially foreseen. All the milestones have been successfully accomplished, the deliverables have been submitted on time and 5 Network events have been organized: a) BIOREMIA Kick-off meeting (IFW Dresden, 23.-24. January 2020, in Dresden, Germany); b) Initial Orientation Workshop (UAB, 1.-2. October 2020, online), c) BIOREMIA Winter School& Mid-Term Check (UCAM, 9.-12. February 2021, online), d) Open Science Workshop (UGOT, 4-8. June 2021, online), and e) Science Communication & Presentation Skills Workshop (IFW, 10.-14. October 2021, Dresden, Germany). Three online transferable skills training modules/workshops linked to the main Network events as well as three BIOREMIA e-Seminars have been also organized.
Besides the theoretical, experimental, and soft skills training given in the BIOREMIA training events, the ESRs were enrolled in the local PhD progammes, they are being supervised and trained by the researchers-in-charge of the Beneficiary partners and they have started their secondments in other network institutions.
The scientific objectives of the project have also been successfully accomplished for this first reporting period.
The following novel antibacterial materials and surfaces have been designed and produced:
• non-biodegradable materials: beta-type Ti-Nb-Cu/Ga alloys, and Ti-based & precious-metal-based bulk metallic glasses,
• biodegradable materials: Fe-Mn-Ag alloys, antimicrobial bioactive composites with controlled resorbability,
• nanostructured surfaces synthesized by various innovative methods: dealloying of metallic glasses, pulse electrodeposition to create dense and porous hydroxyapatite films on Ti-based alloy surfaces, surface treatments of metallic glasses for improving microbiological safety by: laser texturing, CVD coating and thermoplastic forming; anodization of beta Ti-Nb alloys, etc.
• anti-biofouling coatings: bioresorbable PEG-based polymer coatings on metallic surfaces.
The results integrated both aspects of theoretical modelling and experimental work. Tests to assess the structural and property characterisation of all these materials have been started and are ongoing.
In addition to the research activities BIOREMIA also actively disseminate and communicate the project activities and results.
BIOREMIA research programme resulted in insights and applications beyond the current state of the art through the development of: i) novel bioactive materials with intrinsic antibacterial properties, and ii) bactericidal nanostructured surfaces obtained by innovative technologies.
In the next periodic report the goal is to get an in-depth understanding on how cells and bacteria interact with implant surfaces and how different antimicrobial approaches are affecting both the biofilm formation as well as host cell responses.
The research activities will be focused on specific in vitro bacterial and biofilm tests of the selected specimens to demonstrate the advantages of materials and surfaces developed in BIOREMIA when operating as bone-related implants/medical devices. Bacterial strains of clinical relevance for orthopedic and dental implants will be tested.
Successful material candidates and laboratory manufacturing / processing routes will be up-scaled; demonstrators (e.g. dental devices) will be fabricated. The most important aspects for the manufacturing and surface modification of studied medical devices will be assessed and guidelines for optimized processing will be elaborated.

There is growing concern infection rates of implanted medical devices, which represents an enormous problem both for MedTech industry and healthcare system. Indwelling devices are responsible for over half of all nosocomial infections. Despite increasing use of biomaterials in an aging society, comparatively few biomaterials have been designed that effectively reduce the incidence of implant-associated infections. BIOREMIA will apply innovative interdisciplinary approaches to design and produce efficient biofilm-resistant materials and surfaces for hard tissue implant applications. In addition to commercial benefits of the MedTech industry, the project may also have a significant societal impact in the longer term. BIOREMIA finally aims to improve the patient quality of life by minimizing infection rates of medical implants.
BIOREMIA research field represents an excellent training ground and a solid basis for careers in academia and industry. At the end of the project, BIOREMIA will deliver well trained young researchers that will contribute to the strengthening of the European level innovation capacity in various sectors. Moreover, BIOREMIA communication channels and outreach activities are already playing an important role to increase the knowledge and the attraction of the antibacterial materials and biofilm research field for the society.