Lücken in der Solarchemieforschung schließen
Als ökologisch unbedenkliche Energiequelle spielt die Solarchemie eine immer größere Rolle. Ungeachtet dieser Tatsache und des Potenzials zur industriellen und zivilen Nutzung mangelt es aber in der europäischen Industrielandschaft an Forschung zum Thema Solarchemie. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SOLAR2CHEM soll fünfzehn neue Forscherinnen und Forscher in den modernsten Konzepten und Verfahren unter dem Schwerpunkt der exakten Naturwissenschaften für die Erforschung von Hybridgeräten zur Produktion von Solarchemikalien ausbilden. Sie werden außerdem den bei der Herstellung entstehenden ökologischen Fußabdruck berücksichtigen und den Einsatz der Solarchemie sowohl in der europäischen Industrie als auch im privaten Sektor propagieren.
SOLAR2CHEM will train 15 early stage researchers to fill the existing gap in the European industrial landscape in the area of solar chemicals production and usage in technical, economic and policy aspects. The consortium is formed by 12 beneficiaries including 9 academic and 3 non-academic organisations plus 8 partner organisations to cover a full training programme on scientific, technical and personal development skills which will include secondments in current world leading countries (Japan, US, Australia) to gather the necessary knowledge and implement it in Europe. The main objectives of the programme are i) to train 15 ESRs in state of the art concepts and techniques, with a strong focus on interdisciplinary knowledge on physical sciences (chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering), providing communication, leadership, management skills and solid professional connections; ii) to advance knowledge on hybrid devices for solar chemicals production focussing on novel molecules and materials exceeding current efficiencies and selectivity, while considering the environmental footprint based on materials availability and manufacturing process. Special attention will be given to state of the art characterisation techniques and modelling; and iii) to cover the promotion of solar chemicals within policy-makers and stakeholders, and the development of the private sector through communication to the general public. Strong links with industrial partners and technology transfer offices will ensure that the existing gap is filled.
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MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Koordinator
H91 Galway