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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems


Einbindung von künstlicher Intelligenz in 5G-Kommunikationssysteme

Die künstliche Intelligenz (KI) kann mit 5G-Kommunikationssystemen kombiniert werden, um Daten intelligent zu nutzen und Netzwerke automatisiert zu verwalten. Zu diesem Zweck müssen spezialisierte Forschungsgruppen 5G-Kommunikationssysteme auf Änderungen in Verkehrsmodellen, Sicherheitsrisiken und Benutzerverhalten einstellen, um sicherere und vertrauenswürdigere fortgeschrittene kabellose Strukturen zu ermöglichen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MOTOR5G zielt darauf ab, KI in 5G-Kommunikationssysteme einzubinden. Es wird die Verwendung drohnenbasierter Technologien untersuchen, um Mehrantennen- und Datenweiterleitungstechniken sowie die Nutzung von KI in innovativen, anpassbaren digitalen Beamforming-Verfahren in realistischen Antennenanordnungen zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus wird das Projekt fortgeschrittene Geschäftsmuster unter die Lupe nehmen, um deren gewinnbringende Anwendung jenseits von 5G-Ökosystemen zu unterstützen.


The main objective of the project MOTOR5G is to motivate and skill competitive young researchers through involvement and engagement in a variety of research activities enabling them to work on real-life technical issues, across multiple European countries and organizations, and providing a strong networking opportunity through participation as speakers in conference and workshop events and through engagement with industry and other stakeholders (e.g. standardization). We also want to provide them with communications skills, the ability to work in groups and an understanding of the integrity and ethics in research.
The project focus is on embedding artificial intelligence into 5G communication systems for the smarter use of network-generated data, the automated enabling of network operators and service providers to adapt to changes in traffic patterns, security risks and user behavior and thus paving the way towards safe and reliable next-generation wireless ecosystems.
The project considers aspects such as use of drone-based technology for enhanced multi-antenna and data forwarding techniques, use of artificial intelligence for novel adaptive digital beamforming techniques applied on realistic antenna arrays; communications in the millimetre-wave bands, blockchain-based approach to spectrum management and sharing, use of machine learning for enhanced quality of experience, and would in parallel focus on novel business models to sustain profitable operation of beyond 5G ecosystems.
The research team would comprise young researches supervised by committed experts from the industry and academia to advance the state of the art in the above areas. Three demonstration scenarios have been planned: localization, drone-based communications, and combined 5G-based video production and video distribution network in a stadium.


€ 595 044,00
8000 Aarhus C

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Danmark Midtjylland Østjylland
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 595 044,00

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