CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Enhanced Physical Internet-Compatible Earth-frieNdly freight Transportation answER

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ePIcenter (Enhanced Physical Internet-Compatible Earth-frieNdly freight Transportation answER)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-12-01 bis 2022-11-30

ePIcenter is an interdisciplinary research & innovation project whose overall theme is sustainable global logistics. More specifically the following topics will be studied:

- Synchromodal logistics, Physical Internet and cargo flow optimisation

- New freight transport technologies such as Hyperloop, autonomous vehicles and modular containers

- Advanced data sharing technology and collaborative governance models for supply chain visibility

- Artificial Intelligence algorithms and techniques to reduce fuel usage and impact of shipping operations on cetaceans

These solutions will be applied to develop an understanding of the impact of new technologies and transport corridors such as the Silk Road and Arctic Shipping on global freight operations, including a focus on improving efficiency and reducing congestion in the European TEN-T network.

The ePIcenter project aims to optimise global logistics operations by creating an Enhanced Physical Internet enabled Global-European Network (ePIGEN). ePIcenter will develop an interoperable cloud-based ecosystem of user-friendly extensible Artificial Intelligence-based logistics software solutions and supporting methodologies that will enable all players in global trade and international authorities to co-operate with ports, logistics companies and shippers, and to react in an agile way to volatile political and market changes and to major climate shifts impacting traditional freight routes.

ePIcenter thus addresses the EC’s Mobility for Growth ambition on “Integrated multimodal, low emission freight transport systems and logistics”, particularly in what refers to new logistics concepts, new disruptive technologies, new trade routes (including arctic routes and new Silk routes) and multimodal transfer zones. ePIcenter will speed up the path to a Physical Internet.
Eventually, the ePIcenter project will contribute to the reduction of fossil fuel usage (and corresponding emissions) and lead to an increased use of green transport modes whilst reducing long distance road transport and ensure a smoother profile of arrivals at ports which will reduce congestion and waiting/turnaround times.

Watch our project movie:
In the first 18 project months the focus of ePIcenter has been on understanding the increasingly complex and volatile context in which logistics operators, ports and policy makers operate, as well as exploring the state of the art in terms of available solutions technologies, policies and regulatory frameworks currently existing within this field. In WP1, ePIGEN Vision, Opportunities & Requirements, extensive research has been done, describing the different challenges and opportunities the logistics sector is facing in terms global/EU policies & standards, Technology scan and state of the art refresh, Arctic and new trade routes sustainability and environmental impact, and TEN-T and global network configuration. Also a high level stakeholder analysis was carried out bringing in the needs of different stakeholders in the logistic supply chains. Also WP 5 contributed to this research by delivering state of play on disruptive technologies uptake in disadvantaged regions and including points of view from important stakeholders outside the consortium and recommendations for global and TEN-T network.

During the second reporting period we investigated further in detail the different aspects of the available solutions, technologies, policies and regulatory frameworks that currently exist within the ePIcenter field.
WP1 has been finalised describing new opportunities for the TEN-T Global Networks Review and the new trade routes of the Arctic. The EU/Global initiatives, Policies and standards impacting the project have been finally reviewed. The overall ePIcenter vision has been set with the KPI’s and success criteria.
Other WP’s made progress as planned and were delivered within the foreseen timeframe.
We also started the first phase of the demonstrators (WP4). These are grouped in 3 Use cases:
o The “ePI-Link” demonstrator will address Integrating Global and TEN-T Networks – Physical, Logistics and Information Layers, optimizing multimodal freight flows through a network spanning Europe, North America and China, with multiple actors representing different stakeholder groups.
o The “ePI-Node Demonstrator” will address New Logistics Technologies & Multimodal Transfer Zone Optimization, focusing on the impact of technologies such as Hyperloop, autonomous vehicles, modular containers and Artificial Intelligence optimization algorithms on flows through major nodes in the logistics network, and consequential impact on the global supply chain.
o The “Arctic Demonstrator” will focus on Wildlife-Friendly Arctic Shipping & Sustainable New Logistics Routes, testing the ePIcenter methodologies and solutions that reduce impact of logistics operations on the environment from increased understanding driven by AI and Big Data technologies.
The main innovation areas of ePIcenter are:

* Environmentally-Friendly Ship Routing & Propulsion Algorithms, which optimise shipping activity in terms of fuel consumption and impact on marine mammals in Arctic waters.

* Trusted Data Sharing Layer (supported by Governance Models), implemented by a ‘smart data sharing’ platform, for which open standards, open data, open source and open innovation are key architecture principles.

* Visibility Solution Layer, providing end-to-end transparency in the logistics process, using powerful data analytics engines to provide early, accurate and complete data.

* Autonomous Electric Vehicles (“Pods”) research, i.e. an all-electric autonomous Pod in which the removal of the driver and the driver’s cab motivates the safe development of higher levels of autonomy and improves efficiency.

* Hyperloop research, focusing on taking a further step towards possible applications of Hyperloop as a green, low energy and fast transport mode for freight.

* Freight Network Impact Configurator, which provides new tools, methodologies, models and algorithms to enable deeper understanding the impact of new technologies, new operating procedures and new infrastructure on the freight flows.

* Connectainer (Modular Containers), a highly innovative technology for shipping containers which addresses the significant and well-documented problem of container imbalance globally. The technology allows a 40’ container to be split into 2x20’ containers, and incorporates an innovative electronic ink display.

* Synchromodal Logistics Optimisation, providing powerful new algorithms which can optimise multimodal movements through an ever-increasingly complex network of modes (including future tech such as Hyperloop, AEVs and modular containers), taking advantage of the increased availability of data such as that provided via the Trusted Data Sharing and Visibility Solution layers.”
Visual of the project