CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Nanoextraction, separation and detection of micropollutants in one single and simple step


Mikroschadstoffe in einem einfachen Schritt extrahieren, trennen und erkennen

Bei einer Analyse ist die Präparation der Proben der schwierigste Schritt. Die gängigen Methoden zur Extraktion und Separierung feinster Substanzen aus flüssigen Proben sind arbeitsintensiv, zeitaufwändig und teuer. Außerdem werden oft giftige Lösungsmittel eingesetzt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt NanoEX will eine neue Methode der Probenvorbereitung entwickeln, die diese Probleme umgeht. Dazu wird für die Oberfläche die Flüssig-Flüssig-Extraktion mit Nanotropfen behandelt und Spuren der Analyte werden im laufenden Verfahren in wässriger Lösung analysiert. Dieser als Nanoextraktion bezeichnete Ansatz kann Mikroschadstoffe theoretisch in einem einzigen, einfachen Schritt extrahieren, abtrennen und entdecken. Da sie leicht zu verwenden und im Kleinformat gestaltet ist, hat die Technologie das Potenzial, die modernsten derzeit auf dem Markt verfügbaren Lösungen zu verbessern.


Sample preparation is considered to be the most difficult step in analytic workflow. Current methods for extraction and
separation of minute substances in liquid samples are laborious, time-consuming, often involve large amounts of toxic
organic solvents, and are often difficult to automatize, implying high costs of man-power. An innovative sample preparation
technique which has the potential to overcome these shortcomings will be developed in this project. Based on the first
promising results in the ERC-AdG project DDD, we propose a surface nanodroplet-based sensing approach for liquid-liquid
extraction and online analysis of traces of analytes in aqueous solutions, including in biomedical, health, pharmaceutical and
environmental contexts. The basis of our approach, referred to as nanoextraction, will be surface nanodroplets pre-formed
on a substrate within a microflow channel. The principle of the nanoextraction is that the partition coefficient of the compound
in the droplets is much higher than in the sample solution. The compound in the flow will thus be extracted to the
nanodroplets that are immobilized on the channel walls. The concentration of the compound in the droplets will be quantified
by surface-sensitive spectroscopic techniques. Our proposed approach can potentially achieve extraction-separation-detection
of analytes at extremely low concentrations in one single and simple step. The ability to achieve extraction-separation-
detection of micropollutants in one single step is creating new and unique market opportunities which we want to
explore. First, the technology can improve the state-of-the-art solutions in current markets, because of the easy usage and
the small scale, thus saving time and costs. Second, we foresee new markets for the method, due to the higher sensitivity
and point-of-care character of the solution. Our final goal in this project is to create a solid and investor-ready business plan,
supported by a prototype.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 60 000,00
7522 NB Enschede

Auf der Karte ansehen

Oost-Nederland Overijssel Twente
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Keine Daten

Begünstigte (2)