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Open Innovation Test Bed for nano-enabled Membranes

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INNOMEM (Open Innovation Test Bed for nano-enabled Membranes)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-05-01 al 2021-10-31

INNOMEM aims at developing a sustainable Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) to foster deployment and scale-up of innovative nano-enabled membranes and their derived products. Within the scope of INNOMEM, different types of membrane materials (polymeric, ceramic, metallic and nanocomposite), surface modification, membrane morphology and geometry and applications will be covered, providing for the first time a Single Entry Point (SEP) to provide the businesses in the sector with a one-stop-shop of the best available experts and technologies. European companies, mainly SMEs, will access through the SEP to develop, test and adopt, new high performance, multifunctional, safe and environmentally friendly nano-enabled membranes in a cost-effective and sustainable way while opening-up opportunities for demonstration of innovative nanomembranes in real life industrial problems (TRL7) and thus accelerating the market opening for these new products.

INNOMEM gathers some of the most recognised Membrane departments (>20) in Europe and acknowledged facilitators of technology transfer, corporate finance, funding and coaching, making available (i) the most promising and breakthrough manufacturing pilots and (ii) advanced characterization techniques and modelling together with (iii) non-technical services through this Test Bed: while relevant improvement metrics can be defined, the potential network of reachable stakeholders counts thousands of businesses on an international scale. As a starting point, 14 Pilot Lines and their enabled technological services, coming from past investments at Regional (RIS3) at National and European levels, are deployed. INNOMEM will offer its network of facilities and services through a Single Entry Point (SEP) to companies from inside and outside Europe. It will take especially into account the needs of SMEs and simplify their search, with a one-stop to access and choose within an EU boutique of experts and assemble the best service portfolio for every need (single contact, external project management …).
During the first 18 months, important progress in WP1 (Development and organisation of the OITB: Upgrade of facilities (incl. in-line quality control), specs and services) and WP2 (Setup of SEP for sustainability and management of the ecosystem) has been made.

WP1 is defined to build and organise the OITB, by ugrading the pilot facilities and elaborate the specifications and services to be offered. To this end WP1 has worked on:
- The definition of a relevant Sustainability Manufacturing Framework (SMF), as well as the diagnosis of the SMF in all 14 Pilot Lines (PLs) and the definition of improvement plans.
- Upscaling and upgrading the 14 PLs in relation to production rate and in-line control.
- Creation of a working Virtual Lab for Characterization
- Creation a working Virtual Lab for Modelling.

In WP2, the main objective is to establish the operation of the SEP (the way it is going to create and provide value, the organisation structure, appropriate legal entity and governance rules). For this purpose the consortium has been working on:

- the definition of the SEP and its Business model
- the SEP qualification scheme and quality assurance. For this task, we have defined a preliminary framework of the qualification and management scheme for service providers
- the definition of the SEP governance model SEP to ensure an open access of the OITB at fair conditions
- How to materialize the offer of the SEP to the market through two main actions: a) a preliminary analysis of the membrane market and testbed characterization; b) Final market analysis (focus on demand), and customer segment identification.

As part of the validation of the activities performed in WP1 and WP2, WP3 (Validation of OITB facilities, capabilities and services: Industrial Showcases) will perform 10 different showcases led by industrial partners related to Membrane business. Within this task, each of the showcases have progressed in the definition of the specifications, basic engineering design and selection of validation site. In the coming months, the nobel membranes developed in WP1 will be integrated and validated.

In WP7 different dissemination and communication activities have been performed:
- INNOMEM website.
- Webinar for OITB Service Catalogue presentation.
- Project graphic identity: logo, factsheets, etc
- Newsletters
- OITB services catalogue published and promoted through website and socials.
- Press releases in Magazines
- First plan for dissemination strategy ready
- INNOMEM D&C Tool: Creation of repository for project-related publications
- Promotion of INNOMEM in social media tools
- Innomem Special Session organized within the International Conference on Hydrogen production
- A standardization webinar
- A joint event was organised between 5 OITBs: INNOMEM, FormPlanet, INNPRESSME, BIOMAT and OASIS.

WP8 Project Management. In this WP, the management bodies and quality process to ensure an efficient coordination of the project has been stablished. The COVID-19 has strongly affected the activities of the project and several partners were not able to perform their tasks according to the planning. A tight follow-up of the COVID-19 impact has been implemented. Nowadays, the actual impact of the technical issues and of the COVID19 on the different activities have been assessed and corrective actions have been implemented.

In WP9 (Ethic requirements), the Ethic requirements for “Humans”, Protection of Personal Data and on Environmetal Protection and Safety have been addressed.
The main progress beyond the state of the art will be the development of the sustainable Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) to foster deployment and scale-up of innovative nano-enabled membranes and their derived products. Moreover, a Single Entry Point (SEP) to provide companies accrossthe businesses in the sector with a one-stop-shop of the best available experts and technologies.

During the project, two Open Calls will be organized to promote the Testbed products and services: 20 selected Democases proposed by EU companies (not members of INNOMEM consortium) will be granted free of charge access the INNOMEM facilities and services.

The main KPIs for INNOMEM:

- Membrane Productivity Improvement: >20%
- Membrane Verification Improvement: 30% faster
- Co2 emission reduction per showcase: >40%
- Energy reduction per application: >40%

- Number of Showcases: 10
- Number of Democases: 20
- Number of reachable SMEs: >100
- Number of reachable Investors: >300
INNOMEM Open and Innovation Test Bed_Approach
INNOMEM Open and Innovation Test Bed_Concept