CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Linking East and West African farming systems experience into a BELT of sustainable intensification


Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Ost- und Westafrika

Grenzertragsflächen sind Landflächen, die nur geringen landwirtschaftlichen Wert besitzen, da die dort angebauten Pflanzen weniger einbringen würden als eine Pacht für den Zugang zum Land. Die Weiterentwicklung solcher Gebiete in Afrika zu unterstützen, gehört zu den wichtigsten Zielen des EU-finanzierten Projekts EWA-BELT. Das Projekt bezweckt, die nachhaltige Intensivierung der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugung in Bioanbau-, Agroforst-, Mischanbau- und Viehwirtschaftssystemen in 38 Untersuchungsgebieten in sechs ost- und westafrikanischen Ländern zu fördern. Das Projekt wird die bestehenden wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse über die Anpassung von neuen und verbesserten traditionellen Anbaupflanzen in unterschiedlichen Agrarökosystemen sowie über die Auswirkungen traditioneller landwirtschaftlicher Praktiken auf die Bodengesundheit vertiefen.


The EWA-BELT project aims at developing SI of agriculture productions in organic, agroforestry and mixed crop and livestock farming systems in 38 study areas of 6 countries belonging to East (Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania) and West (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Sierra Leone) Africa. The research activities, carried out in Farmer Field Research Units (FFRU), will address areas including marginalized and/or abandoned lands and existing agricultural lands to increase their yield potential. Through integrated participative researches, innovative tools (FFRU, ICT, Integrated Pest Disease Management - IPDM) and identification and dissemination of best practices, all countries will be linked into an interregional East-West African BELT able to reinforce SI in agriculture.
The project will enhance the current scientific knowledge on the adaptation of new and improved traditional crops in different agroecosystems and the impacts of traditional agricultural practices on soil health in terms of nutrients, water retention and organic matter content. EWA-BELT will also investigate the introduction of innovative and appropriate plant protection technologies in the IPDM for key crops and the identification of a set of indicators to be used in the assessment of the SI approach impacts taking into account environmental health and, synergically, economic and social aspects.
The project will introduce highly innovative cost-affordable technologies, to be easily used in the field by unskilled personnel. Technical benefits provided by all implemented techniques will be then evaluated for their economic effect on farmers and along the value chain.
EWA-BELT will address gender issues and empowering women at every stage of the process. Finally, to maximize the impact, project results (in progress and final achievements) will be yearly disseminated during the “Infopoverty U.N. Conference”, one of the U.N. highest-level initiatives to elaborate strategies and design solutions towards SI.

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€ 1 507 625,00
07100 Sassari

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