CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Tools for the Design and modelling of new markets and negotiation mechanisms for a ~100% Renewable European Power Systems


Modelle erneuerbarer Energien auf dem Prüfstand

Die europäischen Vorgaben zu erneuerbaren Energien gehören zu den ehrgeizigsten der Welt. Damit die Stromversorgung Europas zu fast 100 % aus erneuerbarer Energie stammen kann, muss der Strommarkt innovativ sein. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts TradeRES wird in einer anspruchsvollen Simulationsumgebung ein Marktkonzept getestet, das reale Eigenschaften hat. Dabei werden quantitative Indikatoren (Sicherung der Versorgung, durchschnittliche Kosten für Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher sowie Kostendeckung der Investitionen) mit der Benchmark-Kalkulation für eine optimale Stromversorgung verglichen. Laut dem Projektteam müssen zwingend effiziente Betriebs- und Investitionsanreize für ein Stromnetz geschaffen werden, das sich durch einen hohen Anteil variabler erneuerbarer Energiequellen auszeichnet und hochgradig in Bereiche wie das Heizen und Kühlen von Wohnhäusern sowie den Verkehrssektor integriert ist.


Tools for the Design and modelling of new markets and negotiation mechanisms for a ~100% Renewable European Power System

The objective of this project is to develop and test an innovative electricity market design that can meet society’s needs in a (near) 100% renewable power system. Such a long-term sustainable market design needs to provide efficient operational and investment incentives for an electricity system that is characterized by a high share of variable renewable energy sources, that is highly integrated with sectors such as home heating and cooling and transport, and needs to provide efficient incentives for the participation of all demand, from households to industrial consumers. It needs to provide security of supply by ensuring sufficient controllable electricity generation capacity without becoming too costly. And despite the variability of solar and wind energy the price risk must be limited: for investors, so the cost of capital does not become too high, and for consumers so they are not exposed to unmanageable swings in their energy expenses.

In this project, a market design will be developed that meets these objectives. It will be tested in a sophisticated simulation environment in which real-world characteristics such as actors’ limited foresight into the future and risk aversion are included. The performance of the market design - with respect to quantitative indicators such as security of supply, average costs to consumers and investment cost recovery - will be compared to a benchmark calculation of an optimal power system, which will also be developed in this project. We will involve representatives of all key stakeholder groups - consumers, large and small power generators, network operators and government in all phases of the process, in the market design as well as the development of the optimization and simulation models, in order to ensure the social acceptability of the research process and outcomes.

Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung


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Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P.
€ 610 666,25
Rua da Amieira
4466-901 S.Mamede De Infesta

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Continente Norte Área Metropolitana do Porto
Research Organisations
€ 610 666,25

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