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This document is the Dissemination and Exploitation plan of the STELLAR project. Its purpose is to present the approach of dissemination, advertisement and exploitation strategy of the project itself and its results. It introduces into dissemination activities that are planned to be carried out by the STELLAR Project partners. It provides all the steps needed to be taken during and after the project to achieve maximum effect of the dissemination process and reach the relevant target audience.
Some data being available in open access a data management plan has to be preparedThe purpose of this document is to provide the plan for managing the data generated and collected during the project the Data Management Plan Specifically the DMP describes the data management life cycle for all datasets to be collected processed andor generated by a research project Following the EUs guidelines regarding the DMP this document may be updated if appropriate during the project lifetime in the form of deliverables
Amandine Lechantre, Baptiste Martinet, Véronique Thévenet, Oune-Saysavanh Souramasing, José Bico, Bérengere Abou
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Experimental Biology, Ausgabe 136, 2023, Seite(n) 1-8, ISSN 0022-0949
The Company of Biologists Ltd.
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