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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Youth negotiation of tourism-based employment in Goa and Lisbon

Descrizione del progetto

Il nuovo ambiente lavorativo creato dalla turisticizzazione

Questa ricerca focalizza l’attenzione su due contesti, Lisbona in Portogallo e Goa in India, nei quali i giovani si sono trovati al centro di uno sviluppo urbano esponenziale, dei cambiamenti climatici e dell’ascesa del capitalismo, a causa delle loro economie incentrate sul turismo. L’austerità in Portogallo e l’affidamento fatto sul turismo a Goa hanno spinto i giovani a partire per cercare lavoro altrove. Tuttavia, molti sono rimasti e lavorano nel settore del turismo. Questo studio si propone di comprendere in che modo i giovani gestiscano questa situazione, conservando al contempo uno spazio per loro stessi, come riescano a resistere continuando a esistere. La ricerca indagherà i potenziali conflitti e le interrelazioni delle culture dell’occupazione giovanile, le considerazioni sul futuro e il rapporto con il senso di appartenenza. Il progetto adotterà un approccio basato su casi di studio interculturali, esplorati attraverso l’etnografia critica.


This research focuses on how within two contexts –in the Global North in Lisbon, and in the Global South in Goa – young people negotiate landscapes of touristification and neoliberalisation that relate to their futures. Exponential urban redevelopment, climate change and heightened capitalism manifest in both places through changes made to accommodate an economy focused on tourism-boosting. Austerity in Portugal, and a boost to tourism-centred jobs in Goa has resulted in young people leaving in search of jobs elsewhere. However, a large portion continue to stay back in these geographies and are employed by the tourism industry which paradoxically gentrifies them. This research will aim to understand how young people make sense of their futures through new, gig economies in rapidly changing job landscapes, whilst simultaneously making space for themselves by negotiating this very environment - they therefore resist while also existing. It will consider potential conflicts and shared understandings, while making sense of the entanglements of youth job cultures, future considerations, and the relationship to a sense of place. Sharing a history, albeit of colonialism, (Portugal colonised Goa from 1510 until 1961 after which the latter was taken over by India) makes for a novel perspective of Global North-South as well as a post-colonial dynamic which is missing from existing knowledge. The project will use a cross-cultural case study approach, with qualitative research methods in line with critical ethnography. The project will be strengthened by the multi-disciplinary background of the researcher in sociology and geography, alongside contribution from other disciplinary perspectives through researchers at the host institution. It aims to create both academic outputs as well as material and content for public engagement and dissemination.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 147 815,04
1600 189 Lisboa

Mostra sulla mappa

Continente Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 147 815,04