Descrizione del progetto
Nuove motoslitte all’insegna dell’ecologia
Le motoslitte sono rumorose, difficili da guidare, costose e dannose per l’ambiente. Tuttavia, si confermano indispensabili per i comprensori sciistici e le zone remote e fuoripista. Inoltre, le motoslitte possono anche essere divertenti. Con l’obiettivo di rivoluzionare il mondo delle motoslitte, il progetto MoonBikes, finanziato dall’UE, ha sviluppato il primo veicolo da neve elettrico e ultraleggero. Questo veicolo, più leggero rispetto alle motoslitte tradizionali, risulta inoltre più semplice da guidare, non produce rumore ed è ecologico al 100 %, ovvero non genera emissioni. Inserendosi nel mercato esistente e spianando la strada a un nuovo mercato di centinaia di migliaia di utenti accessibili, il progetto MoonBikes si rivolge ai comprensori sciistici (veicoli utilitari e di mobilità individuale) e alle persone residenti in ambienti nevosi.
Founded by a former Dassault Aviation engineer, MoonBikes is born from a simple fact: snowmobiles are big fat polluting machines, noisy, smelly, difficult to drive and expensive. While their use in snow resorts and remote areas would bring significant advantages (limit the use of cars, solve accessibility problems, introduce new fun uses for all without pollution or noise), their democratization requires a new approach to reduce its cost, noise, size and pollution level.
To revolutionize snow-mobility, MoonBikes conceptualized the snowmobile experience and created an electric, ultralight & silent snowmobile, foldable to ease its transport, simple to use and affordable. MoonBikes are 4x lighter & 2x less expensive than regular snowmobiles, and are 100% green (no emissions).
MoonBikes targets Ski resorts (utility vehicle, individual mobility), Snowmobile rentals (MoonBikes Parks at the bottom of ski slopes - like a karting circuit), and Individuals living in snowy environments. MoonBikes will tap into an existing market amounting to 37 000 sales/year, and open up a new market representing an additional 750 000 accessible users.
Several major French ski resorts have shown a strong interest in MoonBikes, and trials will take place this winter in these resorts.
MoonBikes targets to grab 10% of this new market with its affordable & simple product, making snowmobile an accessible commodity for all.
MoonBikes’ solution is currently at TRL6, with 2 demonstrators developed and tested in real conditions and in labs (more than 100 hours of testing), two new prototypes under development, and 2 patents pending.
Our goal is to deliver the first MoonBikes to pilot stations in December 2019.
Created in 2017 and Incubated at Station F & the Arts et Métiers incubator, and supported by the “Cluster Montagne” (Mountain Cluster), MoonBikes employs 4 people.
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Meccanismo di finanziamento
SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Coordinatore
75018 PARIS
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