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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

A breakthrough laser-based medical device to eradicate bacterial biofilm in chronic wounds and accelerate wound healing.


Sicheres Lasergerät tötet bakterielle Biofilme auf chronischen Wunden

Gegenwärtig gibt es keine Methoden, um die bakteriellen Biofilme zu beseitigen, die sich in chronischen Wunden bilden. Sie verhindern bei schätzungsweise 10 Millionen Menschen in Europa und 6,4 Millionen Menschen in den USA eine schnellere Heilung. Das Projekt LASER-HEAL will diesen Mangel mit einem Gerät beheben, das die Wunden in der Tiefe behandelt und eine Software beinhaltet, die das Wundgebiet erkennt und die genaue Positionierung des Lasers unterstützt. Bei dieser nichtinvasiven Technologie kommt ein Dutzend halbstündiger Behandlungen für je 1 000 EUR pro Behandlung zum Einsatz und es werden keine Hautzellen zerstört. Ziel ist der Aufbau eines Kundenkreises, zunächst über US-Kliniken, dann in Europa und weltweit.


Chronic wounds affect 10M in Europe and 6.4 million people in the US, with annual costs of >€72Bn in Europe and >€22 Bn in the US. It is a silent epidemic. Key to this problem is the lack of truly effective solutions that fully eradicate bacteria-protecting biofilms deep within chronic wounds.

We have a game-changing new solution to tackle this problem: LASER-HEAL. LASER-HEAL is a medical device that consists of 1) a laser-generating unit that can reach deep within wounds; 2) optomechatronics to move the laser in a controlled manner and 3) software to recognize the contours and depth of wounds. LASER-HEAL enables, for the first time, non-invasive, safe, low-cost (€1.000 p/treatment), rapid (30 mins/session, total ~12) treatment, compatible with standard of care. We have preliminary data showing killing of all relevant species of bacteria, while human skin cells are left intact.

We will bring LASER-HEAL to the global wound care management market (€29bn in 2017 expected to reach €39bn by 2024). We will respond to the need of this market by delivering an effective antibiofilm device for chronic wounds. We will commercialize LASER-HEAL through sales to US clinics first, through fast FDA approval and confirm willingness to pay. By 2025, we will demonstrate revenue potential for LASER-HEAL, and seek a commercial exit, through acquisition (preferred) by a major medical device company, who will then bring LASER-HEAL to the European and global markets. Cumulative income of €75 million is predicted for LASER-HEAL by 2025 during this phase.

We have a unique proposition, backed by preliminary results and the interest of a major wound care company (confidential for this abstract). We want to undertake a detailed study to map successful market introduction for LASER-HEAL. Funding from SMEi Phase can support us with obtaining crucial market, regulatory and de-risked development informa

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€ 50 000,00

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€ 71 429,00