CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes


Neue Technologie zur Verbesserung des Recyclings von Metallen

Metalle können immer wieder recycelt werden, ohne dass sie dabei ihre Eigenschaften verlieren. Dies ist nicht nur für die Kreislaufwirtschaft von Vorteil, es handelt sich dabei auch um ein lukratives Geschäft. Die weltweite Metallrecycling-Industrie (geschätzt auf 250 Mrd. EUR) wächst in einem beispiellosen Maße und die Möglichkeiten sind grenzenlos. Um den wachsenden Bedarf zu decken, müssen Europas Metallproduktionsanlagen mit geeigneten Sensoren für die Altmetallanalyse und den Ofenbetrieb nachgerüstet werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt REVaMP wird neue Nachrüstungstechnologien entwickeln, anpassen und anwenden, um auf die zunehmende Variabilität im Ausgangsmaterial zu reagieren. Die Projektergebnisse werden hinsichtlich Material- und Energieeffizienz die Auswahl der Ausgangsstoffe verbessern. Das Projekt wird neue Instrumente zur Prozesskontrolle und Entscheidungsunterstützung nutzen. Außerdem werden modellbasierte Softwareinstrumente entwickelt.


In the European process industries large amounts of energy and resources are used to produce millions of tonnes of materials each year. Especially in metal making processes, metallic scraps from end of life goods are recycled and used as secondary raw materials in the processes. Usage of scrap is both ecologically and commercially beneficial, since it reduces the depletion of natural resources like virgin ores and avoids landfills with waste material. Today even more important is that the energy consumption and the CO2 emissions of the reduction processes of metal ores can be reduced or even totally avoided when using recycled materials as feedstock. However, the metal production facilities are facing an increasing variability in material and energy feedstock.

To cope with this challenge, existing metal production plants need to be retrofitted with appropriate sensors for scrap analysis and furnace operation, to cope with the varying conditions of the feedstock regarding materials and energy. Furthermore, the selection of the optimal feedstock in terms of material and energy efficiency has to be improved by application of appropriate process control and decision support tools. Also solid scrap preheating systems can increase the energy efficiency of the melting processes. To monitor and control the process behaviour in an optimal way, model-based software tools have to be developed and applied.

The main objective of the REVaMP project is to develop, adapt and apply novel retrofitting technologies to cope with the increasing variability and to ensure an efficient use of the feedstock in terms of materials and energy. This will be exemplarily demonstrated within three different use cases from the metal making industry. Due to the industrial relevance, the use cases were chosen from electric and oxygen steelmaking, aluminium refining and lead recycling. The performance of the different technologies will be assessed, and the benefits will be quantified.

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