CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Clinical validation and production upscaling of a novel product for healing of Pressure Ulcers, Leg Ulcers and Diabetic Foot Ulcers.


Proteine aus Eierschalenmembran zur chronischen Wundheilung

Bei chronischen Wunden wie Beingeschwüren, Dekubitalgeschwüren und diabetischen Fußgeschwüren handelt es sich um Wunden, die nicht innerhalb von drei Monaten abheilen oder ohne eine Wiederherstellung der funktionalen Integrität heilen. Bis zur vollständigen Genesung kann es Jahre oder gar Jahrzehnte dauern. Zusätzlich leiden Betroffene unter starken Schmerzen, emotionalem Stress und einer eingeschränkten Mobilität. Dieses EU-finanzierte Projekt wird an der klinischen Validierung und kommerziellen Produktion des innovativen Wundverbandes DermaRep arbeiten, der kürzlich vom Unternehmen Biovotec entwickelt wurde. Dieses revolutionäre Produkt, das aus einer Eierschalenmembran isoliert wurde und problemlos erhältlich ist, könnte neue Maßstäbe im Bereich der Wundheilung setzen und die enormen Kosten in Verbindung mit der chronischen Wundversorgung senken.


A chronic wound (such as Leg Ulcer (LU), Pressure Ulcer (PU) and Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) can be defined as one that has failed to proceed through an orderly and timely reparative process to produce anatomic and functional integrity within a period of 3 months or that has proceeded through the repair process without establishing a sustained and anatomic and functional result. Chronic wounds may require several years to heal, and some remain unhealed for decades. During this time, patients can experience severe pain, significant emotional and physical distress, reduced mobility and social isolation.

LU, PU and DFU are a major healthcare cost for all developed countries. The main driver for growth in cost is the treatment of chronic and complex wounds in the aging population, complicated by the increase in diabetes and other metabolic disorders. LUs account for $50Bn of global wound care burden in 2015 and are to reach $53Bn in 2020. DFUs account for $52Bn – and are to reach $56Bn by 2020. Further, PUs account for $41Bn of global wound care burden in 2015 – and are to reach $47Bn by 2020.

We have developed an innovative wound dressing, DermaRep™, that is based on biomaterial derived from Eggshell Membrane (ESM) – a by-product readily available in the egg industry. The purified form of ESM is called Purified Eggshell Membrane Protein (PEP).

DermaRep™ is disruptive and will become the benchmark in the wound healing market as it directly addresses the healthcare needs by providing a novel wound care product that is significantly more effective than current Standard of Care (SoC, relatively non-expensive silicon, foam and hydrocolloid dressings) and at least as effective as existing State of the Art (SoA) collagen-based dressings.


IA - Innovation action


€ 275 687,50
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