Chemikalien aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen herstellen
Die Industrie verändert ihr Denken und wendet sich von den endlichen Ressourcen ab und einer nachhaltigen, ressourcenschonenden Produktion zu. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt IMPRESS beschleunigt diesen Wandel, indem es an einem neuartigen Bioraffineriekonzept arbeitet, das die Umwandlung von pflanzlichen Nichtlebensmittel-Materialien in wichtige Grundchemikalien ermöglicht. Das Verfahren beinhaltet den Einsatz einer Flüssigchromatografie-Reinigungstechnologie einschließlich einer sehr effizienten kontinuierlichen Trennungstechnologie. Für den Fall des Erfolgs wird diese völlig neue Art der Bioraffinerie mit integrierten bahnbrechenden vor- und nachgelagerten Technologien zu einer signifikanten Verringerung der Treibhausgasemissionen (20 %) sowie der Kapitalaufwendungen und Betriebsausgaben (20 %) beitragen.
The IMPRESS project will demonstrate a new hybrid biorefinery process for the first time, integrating disruptive upstream and downstream technologies developed by the project partners. A main objective of the project is to develop and upscale separation and purification methods for the upstream process and modular downstream processes. New purification and separation methods will enable to produce new products, like xylitol, erythritol, bio-based ultra pure monoethylene glycol and monopropylene glycol and lignin derived activated carbon. All the process routes developed and up-scaled in the project are integrated to the IMPRESS concept by executing a Conceptual Process Design (CPD) of the different unit operations and then the CPD of integrated IMPRESS concept. It’s expected that the new purification and separation methods, and new high value products combined with benefits deriving from the integration will decrease OPEX by by 25 % and CAPEX by 20 %. In addition, the GHG emissions are expected to decrease more than 20 %. The decrease of CAPEX and OPEX will be calculated by CPD and the environmental performance of the IMPRESS concept and the developed products are evaluated by performing a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The results of the project and benefits of the IMPRESS concept will be disseminated to relevant stakeholders by preparing education modules concerning individual unit operations, the integrated process, and methodology such as LCA that will be easily integrated in existing curricula and modules for undergraduate level and lifelong learning programmes.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
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IA - Innovation actionKoordinator
1014 BV Amsterdam
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