Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AQ-WATCH (Air Quality: Worldwide Analysis and Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-01-01 al 2020-12-31
To help public services and private corporations to take appropriate actions, AQ-WATCH is co-developing and co-producing innovative downstream products and services derived from space and in situ observational data, and tailored to the identified needs of international users. Through the efficient use of the large array of space and in-situ observations available together with new advanced multi-scale predictive models and downscaling techniques, the purpose of these products and services is to provide a better understanding and mapping of air quality aimed at improving public health and optimizing renewable energy in different regions of the world. A prototype production chain has been initiated through dynamic interactions between the developers of the prototype products/services and three prime users in different parts of the world (Colorado, USA; Santiago, Chile; greater Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, P.R. China). The process by which value is added to space and in situ data is being modulated by the input of these users and is involving successive iterations during which feedback reactions are collected and analysed, and included in the new development.
Besides the development of the Mitigation Toolkit with all the modules defined in AQ-WATCH, a key part in this first year of the project was the preparation of the datasets that will effectively feed to the products to be made available. Partners have been preparing and analysing satellite and in situ observations from different sources including the global re-analysis of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) that will feed the global and regional atlases. Modelling groups have been discussing the details for the production of air quality forecasts and are adapting existing models to cover the three main regions in the project. Some of these model runs will also produce forecasts for the regional transport of trace gases and aerosols released during large wildfire events or the dispersion of aerosols such as dust particles following intense dust storms, which can have a large impact on the aviation industry by affecting visibility of airplanes and also on the solar energy production industry through the dust deposition on solar panels.
In order to set up an air pollution mitigation service, the partners also focused on the implementation and first evaluation of the LOTOS-EUROS model for Chile and Colorado and on the evaluation of the current WRF-CHEM forecasts for Colorado. These outputs will be made available via one of the modules of the system being developed in AQ-WATCH. In contrast to other products, the “Fracking” module will be an informational tool based on data and analysis of field campaigns. Using emissions based on this dataset, model studies have been conducted that assess the contribution of oil and gas extraction activities to air pollution.
The comprehensive Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation strategy of AQ-WATCH provides concrete measures to disseminate project results, to communicate its activities and to exploit the project outcomes. The strategy also highlights the methods through which these measures may increase the overall impact of the project, and how the consortium initially plans to exploit project activities and results. In order to support this and the product development process, a business case has been developed that aims at establishing the mechanism to judge whether the project and the expected results are desirable, viable and achievable in relation with the investment required. A first iteration of a business case is already available, but must be further developed after consultation with potential customers including prime users. Finally, the exchanges with the stakeholders and the more detailed information on the products will be the basis to build a sound business model in the second part of the project.
The collaborative work done by AQ-WATCH partners shows the strategic interaction between research (MPI-M, FMI, BSC, CNRS, UCAR) and business-oriented (INERIS DEVELOPPEMENT, MapTiler, BreezoMeter, TNO) partners from the consortium. With the development of a strong business case, it will be possible to have a good introduction of AQ-WATCH products and services in the market. This will allow us to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot the future business.