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Case studies into the processes of Arts integration in enterprise will be produced to highlight current best practices in detail
Report compiling and evaluating Arts-based participatory interventionsReport compiling and evaluating Artsbased participatory interventions
State of the art review on Arts and organisingState-of-the-art review on Arts and organising, a comprehensive and state-of-the-art academic literature review on the role of the Arts in enterprise, together with mini-case studies of historic examples of where the arts had an impact on enterprise
Report on case studies of impactful artistic productionsCase studies of impactful artistic productions in which the Arts has had a meaningful impact on the understanding trajectories and imagination of the digital transformation
Report on the scaled and realised Arts-based projectsReport on the scaled and realised Artsbased projects detailing the selection process scaling trajectory and final output
Report and visualisation of change-driven enterprise – Arts interrelationsA report and visualisation of change-driven enterprise – Arts interrelations will be delivered, that detail how organisations engage with the arts on grand challenges and change.
Report on the culturalisation workshopsReport on the culturalisation workshops detailing key discussion points and findings
Best-practice report for Arts-based problem-solving solutionsGeneralized bestpractice report for Artsbased problemsolving solutions containing success criteria which outline how the arts can engage with the digital transformation through interaction with enterprise will then be developed
Report on artistic visions on digital imaginaries and their receptionArtistic visions on digital imaginaries and their reception a series of five design fiction sessions to assess the role of the popular arts on how the digital transformation is experienced by broader society
Report on baseline mapping and analysisReport on baseline mapping and analysis that identifies points of intersection between the Arts and public policy when related to the digital transformation either directly or through its various societal impacts
State-of-the-art review on Arts and social and civic impactState-of-the-art review on Arts and social and civic impact, collecting and synthesizing academic research, in addition to policy documents, into how individual societal actors across the EU have experienced the digital transformation mediated through the influence of the Arts.
Interim ReportA report that will summarize the activities and outcomes of the project to date
Skills navigator to further scale engaged artistic productionsSkills navigator to further scale engaged artistic productions detailing a what are the key skills capacities and capabilities needed for successful impact on the digital transformation and b how can these be enhanced through proactive policies projects or organizational activities
Report on ARTSFORMATION project launch exhibitionReport on ARTSFORMATION project launch exhibition a report detailing the launch exhibition and key discussion points and findings
Mid-term dissemination reportA midterm dissemination report that will list the measures undertaken to that date
Auto-ethnographic and reception self-analysis reportAutoethnographic and reception selfanalysis report an overview of the impact of the Arts initiatives on audience behaviour understanding and intervention
Report on Arts and CSO collaborations mappingArts and CSO collaborations mapping, looking at artists and artist collectives within the non-governmental sphere, as well as informal and alternative citizen organisations which engage in community-based and socially-engaged art as a way of tackling social issues connected to the digital transformation.
Finalised project management planA project management plan, that details all actions necessary to plan, coordinate, and control the diverse activities of all work packages within the project and ensure successful delivery of all project deliverables.
Report on policy advocacy activitiesReport on policy advocacy activities policy advocacy activities through the organisation of interactive actions during relevant 3rd party events
Report on the governance, production, and financing of the ARTSFORMATION AssemblyReport on the governance production and financing of the ARTSFORMATION Assembly
Report on the representation of Arts-knowledge in European enterpriseA report on the representation of Artsknowledge in European enterprise based on a survey examining in detail how where and when enterprises chose to integrate the Arts and to what extent this integration reflects meaningful input will provide a snapshot of the overall state of adoption of such practices
Final dissemination reportA final dissemination report
Report on Mapping of artists and their visions around the digital transformationMapping of artists and their visions around the digital transformation that catalogues existing Arts initiatives and interventions that operate at the intersection between artistic expression and the digital transformation
Report on case studies of the Arts' social impactCase studies of the Arts social impact showing how the Arts are currently being used for sensemaking of the digital transformation and b how the Arts can be leveraged by individuals to express their own voices on how the digital transformation should occur
Report on impact assessment methodologies and indicatorsReport on impact assessment methodologies and indicators that collect and cluster the findings of the other work packages in order to derive a finalised methodology and set of indicators for capturing the impact of the Arts on policy making
State-of-the-art review on engaged ArtsA state-of-the-art review on engaged Arts, a literature review on the contemporary and historic role of the Arts in the digital transformation.
Report on the ARTSFORMERS Residency, including recommendations for capacity development and co-production methodsReport on the ARTSFORMERS Residency including recommendations for capacity development and coproduction methods
Smart Guide that includes measures to assist policy makers in collaborating with the Arts and Arts professionals directly, as well as in leveraging the perspectives of the Arts in shaping policy making
Report on Policy Recommendations based on the Insights from the Artist Assemblies and ProjectsPolicy recommendations in line with the EU’s research policy objectives and local-level implementation, based on the research and implementation efforts of the project.
Policy Recommendations on Arts and organising for transformationsPolicy and strategy recommendations to leverage the Arts
Policy and strategy recommendations to leverage the Arts, indicating where roadblocks for impact can be removed and meaningful dialogue can be fostered between the Arts and digital change-makers.
Knowledge Cultures ToolboxKnowledge Cultures Toolbox, to help culturalise, implement, and scale further Arts-based practices aimed at tackling the societal challenges of the digital transformation
Policy recommendations on combining Arts and civic impactPolicy recommendations on combining the Arts and civic impact
A closing conference on mobilising the arts for an inclusive digital transformation
Report on change and scaling workshops with civic actors and artistsChange and scaling workshops with civic actors and artists to discuss how individual voices can shape the future of the digital transformation
Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation PlanA plan that develops the relevant Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation indicators and targets
Report on Dynamic ARTSFORMATION exhibitionsReport on Dynamic ARTSFORMATION exhibitions that will be organized as satellite exhibitions to political and cultural events
Educational Materials (MOOC)Educational Materials MOOC that primarily targets artists and artist collectives within the nongovernmental sphere and informal alternative citizen organisations that engage in communitybased and sociallyengaged art
Best practice handbook of Arts-based approaches to grand challengesBest practice of handbook of Artsbased approaches to grand challenges
Hanna L. Grønneberg and Ana Alacovska
Veröffentlicht in:
Morals & Machines, Ausgabe 2(2), 2022, Seite(n) 22-31, ISSN 2747-5174
Ana Alacovska, Peter Booth, and Christian Fieseler
Veröffentlicht in:
Business Ethics Quarterly, 2023, Seite(n) 1-31, ISSN 1052-150X
Philosophy Documentation Center
Victor Renza
Veröffentlicht in:
Morals & Machines, Ausgabe 2(2), 2022, Seite(n) 32-39, ISSN 2747-5174
Harun Šiljak and Fiona McDermott
Veröffentlicht in:
Morals & Machines, Ausgabe 2(2), 2022, Seite(n) 54-63, ISSN 2747-5174
Reitan Andersen, Kirsti; Overgaard, Majken; Jones, Mirabelle; Shklovski, Irena
Veröffentlicht in:
Morals & Machines, Ausgabe 1(2), 2021, Seite(n) 86-92, ISSN 2747-5174
Christian Fieseler, Victor Andres Renza and Ana Alacovska
Veröffentlicht in:
EGOS European Group of Organisation Studies, 2023, Seite(n) 1-18
EGOS European Group of Organisation Studies
Peter Booth, Lucas Evers, Eduard Fosch Villaronga, Christoph Lutz, Fiona McDermott, Piera Riccio, Vincent Rioux, Alan M Sears, Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux, and Maranke Wieringa
Veröffentlicht in:
Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 14: Enforcing Rights in a Changing World, 2021, Seite(n) 45-67, ISBN 9781509954513
Bloomsbury Publishing
Victor Renza, Kirsti Reitan Andersen, Fiona McDermott and Christian Fieseler
Veröffentlicht in:
Arts, Business and Sustainability: The Role of Arts-Based Methods in Advancing Change in Business and Society, 2023, Seite(n) 1-15
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