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Enhancing the EOSC portal and connecting thematic clouds


Verbesserung von Portalen und thematischen Clouds

Das Sammeln von Informationen in der Wissenschaft ist unerlässlich. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EOSC-Enhance zielt darauf ab, die Auffindbarkeit wissenschaftlicher Dienste und Datenressourcen zu verbessern und zu fördern, indem der Katalog der Europäischen Cloud für offene Wissenschaft (EOSC) weiterentwickelt und erweitert wird. Dies wird durch die Integration zusätzlicher Dienste und Datenressourcen sowie durch die weitere technische Verbesserung der Funktionen für Dienstanbieter und Benutzer erreicht. Den Dienstleistern werden Qualitätsberichte zur Verfügung gestellt, da das Projekt die Interoperabilität und Auffindbarkeit von Diensten sowie Ressourcen über wissenschaftliche Disziplinen hinweg erleichtern soll, indem thematische und regionale/nationale Dienstleister miteinander verknüpft werden.


EOSC Enhance pursues 4 objectives:
1: Enhance the service provider interface and incorporate new services and resources into the EOSC catalogue
2: Accelerate the deployment and uptake of EOSC services and resources
3: Increase user demand for EOSC services and resources via portal improvements and development
4: Enabling easier access to thematic clouds services and data
EOSC Enhance will improve and enhance the discoverability of scientific services and data resources by further developing and widening the EOSC catalogue. This will be done through the integration of additional services and data resources (notably the ESFRI clusters and thematic and geographic clouds) as well as further technical enhancement of the functionalities for service providers (Open APIs, AAI) and users (search and comparison tools, etc.). Quality reports will be provided to service providers.
We will facilitate interoperability and discoverability of services and resources across scientific disciplines by linking up thematic and regional/national service providers (public and commercial), gateways, aggregators and marketplaces. The EOSC Portal will apply the emerging EOSC Rules of Participation (RoP) and will focus on processes, specifications, guidelines, tools and APIs to support service and resource providers in making them interoperable.
We will consolidate the EOSC Portal as the point of access for researchers through the facilitation and continuous enhancement of findability and discoverability -by appropriately design of the UI for example- inherent building blocks addressed in the EOSC Enhance project - that will make this possible.
The critical technical aspects and features of the EOSC Portal will be discussed and agreed with ESFRI clusters to enhance interoperability and avoid frictions for users. The outcomes will be channelled to the EOSC Architecture WG in charge of submitting ideas for overall adoption of technical solutions by the EOSC Governance bodies.

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€ 288 437,50
10561 Athina

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€ 288 437,50

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