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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Data Portability and Services Incubator


Content Marketing and Growth Hacking Playbook

This is produced by task 41 and includes all dissemination communication and networking activities plan and guidelines as presented in section 22 It also includes the plans for engagement with policy and strategy making bodies

Call dissemination report

An outline of the activities undertaken to promote the call T62 and its results including graphical material

Call dissemination kit

It will contain the leaflets designs, roll-up, content for media.

Infrastructure operation, support and update

This deliverable summarizes the work carried out and lessons learned associated to the execution of tasks T51 and T52 related respectively to infrastructure operation and support to users It also reports on updates to the infrastructure design as a response to feedback received and new needs resulting from the program Several Deliveries M20 M30 M36

DAPSI insights

This document will describe in detail at the end of the project the differences and similarities found between the Third Parties solutions in the different research domains In practice it could be seen as a longer and extended version of D23 Furthermore this will contain insights of the progress in the Data portability field done through the third parties use cases conclusions and recommendations

Subgrantees payments

The information of the distributed funding to third parties will reportedSeveral Deliveries M20 M29 M36

DAPSI impact assessment

This deliverable is produced by task 64 and reports the assessment of the activities of DAPSI towards impact creation including also the feedback collected from the Third Parties regarding the DAPSI support services

Analytics on the submitted proposals

Summary including relevant statistics and findings about the open callsSeveral Deliveries M9 M18 M26

Sub-grant agreement template

Template of the legal contractual document to be signed by selected startupsSMEs and the consortium Several Deliveries M8 M17 M25

Infrastructure design

This deliverable describes the overall design of the infrastructure including choices about selected software, deployment schemas and expected interactions.

Survey on research challenges

This document will report on the findings of the various surveys made in T2.1 and will conclude presenting the considered research challenges related to the sub-domains.Several Deliveries: [M4, M13, M19]

Infrastructure and tools training material

This deliverable contains the training plan the description of the community platform personalized for DAPSI including the knowledge base management system for data portability and the summary of the training contents and source code examples created Updated once per callSeveral Deliveries M9 M18 M24

Call documentation

Comprised by 1 guidelines for applicants including the text of the call and evaluation criteria 2 template for the subgrantee agreement 3 application form for applicants 4 QA section and 5 online microsite at the project website and F6S platform Updates on every callSeveral Deliveries M4 M13 M23


Establishing a Strong Baseline for Privacy Policy Classification

Autoren: Najmeh Mousavi Nejad, Pablo Jabat, Rostislav Nedelchev, Simon Scerri, Damien Graux
Veröffentlicht in: ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 35th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2020, Maribor, Slovenia, September 21–23, 2020, Proceedings, Ausgabe 580, 2020, Seite(n) 370-383, ISBN 978-3-030-58200-5
Herausgeber: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58201-2_25

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