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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Performance optimization and edge computing orchestration for enhanced experience and Quality of Service

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Pilots operations and monitoring I

This document will outline the design of the experimentation scenarios including a description of them the scenario requirements and targets the infrastructures and platforms that will be utilised and the use of Pledger technologies for the first and second iteration of the project experimentation

Pilots operations and monitoring III

This document will outline the design of the experimentation scenarios including a description of them the scenario requirements and targets the infrastructures and platforms that will be utilised and the use of Pledger technologies for the first and second iteration of the project experimentation

Standardisation plan and activities II

This deliverable will focus on standardisation activities planning including an initial analysis of targeted standardisation bodies and institutions An updated version will document the standardisation activities performed in the project and will additionally provide a roadmap for future actions

Pledger Detailed Use Cases

The specific deliverable is the outcome of the task T2.1 and describes in full detail the use cases that will be deployed in the Pledger project trials.

Pilots operations and monitoring II

This document will outline the design of the experimentation scenarios including a description of them the scenario requirements and targets the infrastructures and platforms that will be utilised and the use of Pledger technologies for the first and second iteration of the project experimentation

Dissemination and Communication - Plan and activities performed I

This deliverable will document the communication and dissemination activities and their result in the first, second and third project period respectively.

Standardisation plan and activities I

This deliverable will focus on standardisation activities planning, including an initial analysis of targeted standardisation bodies and institutions. An updated version will document the standardisation activities performed in the project and will additionally provide a roadmap for future actions.

Pledger Overall Architecture

The specific deliverable is the outcome of the task T23 and describes in full detail the Pledger overall architecture Full specification and architectural layout of the Pledger system will be provided including the description of the functionalities UML diagrams edge resource deployment models and data model descriptions An update will be provided on M24

Pledger overall validation and evaluation

This report will include the outcomes of the evaluation in terms of consistency correctness completeness for the Pledger technologies and the benefits they provide in different domains as well as recommendations to the technical activities of the project following the evaluation process of Task 53

Dissemination and Communication - Plan and activities performed III

This deliverable will document the communication and dissemination activities and their result in the first second and third project period respectively

Dissemination and Communication - Plan and activities performed II

This deliverable will document the communication and dissemination activities and their result in the first second and third project period respectively

Pledger Requirements Analysis

The deliverable is the outcome of T22 and it will contain an extensive elicitation of user and technical side requirements It is going to be a live document following as well an iterative approach and thus having a first version on M9 and a final one on M24 including the updated requirements captured by the different stakeholders groups engaged during the pilots

Pledger integrated demonstrator II

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T5.2. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Trust, Security and Privacy related tools I

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T4.2. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Smart Contracts and DApps implementation tools I

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T4.2. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Pledger integrated demonstrator I

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T5.2. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Trust, Security and Privacy related tools II

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T41 A short accompanied description report will be also provided

QoS and SLA assessment and negotiation tools I

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T3.3. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Performance Measurements and classification tools II

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T3.1. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

QoS and SLA assessment and negotiation tools II

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T3.3. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Edge/Cloud orchestration tools II

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T3.2. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Edge/Cloud orchestration tools I

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T3.2. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Performance Measurements and classification tools I

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T3.2. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Decision Support tools II

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T4.3. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Smart Contracts and DApps implementation tools II

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T42 A short accompanied description report will be also provided

Decision Support tools I

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T4.3. A short accompanied description report will be also provided

Pledger Applications for the use cases I

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T5.1. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Pledger Applications for the use cases II

The specific deliverable is a prototype tool which is the outcome of the work carried out in T5.1. A short accompanied description report will be also provided.

Pledger project Web Site and Social Media channels

This specific deliverable comprises the official web site of the project and its presence (accounts) in selected social media and networks.


Demo: A Decision Support System for Task Offloading Optimization in Cloud-to-Far-Edge Kubernetes Networks

Autori: Estela Carmona-Cejudo, Francesco Iadanza
Pubblicato in: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Numero Yearly, 2022
Editore: IEEE International Conference on Communications

Optimal Offloading of Kubernetes Pods in Three-Tier Networks

Autori: Carmona, Estela; Iadanza, Francesco; Siddiqui, Muhammad Shuaib
Pubblicato in: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2022, Numero Yearly, 2022
Editore: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2022

An Optimization Framework for Edge-to-Cloud Offloading of Kubernetes Pods in V2X Scenarios

Autori: E. Carmona Cejudo, M. S. Siddiqui
Pubblicato in: 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops, Numero Yearly, 2021
Editore: 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops

Reinforcing SLA Consensus on Blockchain

Autori: Kapsoulis N, Psychas A, Litke A, Varvarigou T.
Pubblicato in: MDPI, 2021, ISSN 2073-431X
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/computers10120159

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