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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics

Descrizione del progetto

Approcci non convenzionali per lo sviluppo di elettronica criogenica

Il funzionamento di dispositivi elettronici, circuiti e sistemi a temperature criogeniche, noto anche come elettronica a bassa temperatura o elettronica a freddo, è attivo da decenni. Il progetto SEQUENCE, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà l’elettronica criogenica con dimostrazioni in applicazioni che vanno dall’informatica quantistica ai sistemi di comunicazione satellitare. Lo sviluppo si baserà su transistor criogenici e modelli convalidati da circuiti, riducendo i margini di progettazione di circuiti integrati operati a livelli di potenza estremamente bassi. Saranno sviluppati, analizzati e stabiliti punti di riferimento per nuovi dispositivi nanoelettronici che forniranno valori aggiunti di prestazioni a temperature criogeniche. Tra i molteplici risultati del progetto figurano la tecnologia e le strategie di integrazione criogenica 3D, nonché una nuova serie di elementi costitutivi criogenici fondamentali e una serie maturata di nanoelettronica emergente.


SEQUENCE will make use of unconventional approaches to develop cryogenic electronics with demonstration in applications spanning from quantum computing to satellite communication systems.

Approach: SEQUENCE has aggregated a strong consortium consisting of 9 partners with well-documented experience in III-V and Si technology, including IC design skills. 3D integration of interfacing electronics with quantum computing technologies such as Si spin qubit layers, will be developed to reduce form factors, latency, and power consumption, enabling qubit multiplexing strategies to significantly reduce physical components count inside and outside the cryostat. We will develop RF functions such as LNAs, mixers, oscillators, DACs, multiplexers and RF switches, initiating a new generation of low-power cryogenic electronics, combining III-V and Si CMOS technologies, for scalable quantum computers. The development will be based on cryogenic transistor and circuits validated models, reducing IC design margins operated at extremely low power levels. Novel nanoelectronic devices will be developed, explored, and benchmarked providing performance added values, at cryogenic temperatures.

Impact with our main outcomes: A) Cryogenic 3D integration technology and strategies with optimal balance between III-V, Si CMOS, and emerging device technologies – power/form factor constraints trade-off, B) new set of critical cryogenic building blocks, C) A matured set of emerging nanoelectronics, up to TRL 4, with technology benchmark that bring added value and will support future transistor technology nodes, D) An exploitation strategy of the technology developed targeting Quantum applications, space communication and sensing, and future wideband room temperature communication.

The SEQUENCE project, will develop and strengthen synergies between the identified fields.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 930 001,00
Paradisgatan 5c
22100 Lund

Mostra sulla mappa

Södra Sverige Sydsverige Skåne län
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 930 001,25

Partecipanti (9)