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Innovative sustainable ENCAPsulation systems for improving human HEALTH and well-being

Descripción del proyecto

Integrar más nutrientes en una microcápsula

Los alimentos funcionales están enriquecidos con nutrientes beneficiosos o carecen de determinados componentes como la lactosa o el gluten. Un ingrediente funcional es un compuesto bioactivo que se utiliza para la fabricación de alimentos funcionales. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos ENCAP4HEALTH propone el uso del microencapsulado basado en biopolímeros para mejorar la funcionalidad, la digestibilidad y la absorción de estas sustancias bioactivas. El proyecto reúne a cincuenta expertos internacionales de doce instituciones (universidades técnicas, médicas y tradicionales, pymes y empresas multinacionales) para identificar nuevos biopolímeros y desarrollar tecnologías de procesamiento eficientes y sostenibles para el encapsulado. Los resultados impulsarán la asequibilidad de diversas aplicaciones de salud y alimentarias, lo que a su vez abrirá nuevas oportunidades de mercado en el sector alimentario que se extenderán a la agricultura, los piensos y los sectores farmacéutico y biomédico.


Improvement and maintenance of health, particularly in ageing societies, is a major challenge defined in H2020. In this context, the objective of ENCAP4HEALTH is to develop innovative concepts for biopolymer-based microcapsules resulting in a new generation of highly functional delivery systems for functional food ingredients. Experts have emphasized for a long time that new methods and materials are required to improve functionality, digestibility and absorption of these so-called bioactives. With an increasing awareness for zero-waste production and reduction of the environmental impact of food processing, opportunities to create a new generation of encapsulation systems open up. ENCAP4HEALTH will bring together more than 50 international experts with ample expertise from 12 different institutions (technical, medical and traditional universities, SMEs and multinational companies). The network aims to identify new biopolymers and to develop more efficient and sustainable processing technologies for encapsulation. The action is divided into six work packages, three of them devoted to scientific research and three to training, career development, dissemination and exploitation as well as management. Multiple training activities related to these work packages have been specifically designed to improve the skills of the consortium members and to promote their career development. Gender aspects will adequately be addressed in training and research. Exploitation of results will boost innovation and present societal and economic benefits by producing more effective functional food applying new and optimized encapsulation techniques. ENCAP4HEALTH will lead to a greater affordability of multiple health and food applications opening market opportunities in the food sector, that will spread out to agriculture, feed, pharma and even the biomedical sector.

Ámbito científico

CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 133 400,00
10623 Berlin

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Berlin Berlin Berlin
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 133 400,00

Participantes (8)

Socios (3)