CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Collective Approach of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Highland

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HIGHLANDS.3 (Collective Approach of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Highland)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-01-01 bis 2023-03-31

Highland regions, home to vital ecosystems and providing numerous goods and services, often lack evidence-based models and tools for sustainable local development. The EU-funded HIGHLANDS.3 project aims to promote inclusive sustainable development in highlands (ISDH). The project team will carry out collective and impact-driven research and innovation to build a shared vision of ISDH and advance the capacities of researchers, managers, users and policymakers. Knowledge will be exchanged in eight successive research and innovative sessions (R&ISs), each of which will focus on a particular aspect of sustainable highland development. The R&ISs will include collective learning, collaborative research and capacity-building on data collection, analysis and modelling. The data collected on ISDH will be stored in an online interactive platform.

The strength of HIGHLANDS is that it was born out of the confluence of several existing networks working on highland issues both in Europe and around the world. We will thus utilise existing networks at many scales (local initiatives to global connections) and, through the secondment activities, strengthen these networks and creating new ones within and between sectors and institutions, to improve the quality of the research/innovation process focused on ISDH. The R&IS process and its inherent use of participatory systemic methods has been designed to maximise the potential for the formation of new relationships and the expansion of existing networks. These networks must be active, viable, long-term oriented and sustainable if the platform of initiatives is to be globally shared beyond the life of the project.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project has been rescheduled and all the meetings have been postponed for (at least) one year.

During the Pandemic,sSeveral activities have been carried out in virtual way.
From December 2020 to February 2021 the first Highlands.3 Webinar Series was held via ZOOM. In five sessions, 35 members of the project, representing 21 partner institutions, from 16 countries, presented their research topics. More than 350 people registered to the webinar. (More information under:

Firts Workshop: June 2021, in France.

So far, 3 Research and Innovation Sessions (R&IS) have been conducted:
1- Massif Central and Pyrenees (September-October 2021)
2- Alps (September-October 2022)
3- Andes (February-March 2023)

Around 150 Initiatives for Sustainable Development in Highlands (ISDH) have been interviewed, the data systematized and collected in a databank.
More than 70 researchers participated in the 3 R&IS, visiting in total 7 different countries.
Impact and results:
Enhancing the potential and future career perspectives of the staff members: capacity building of staff, strengthening female participation, in-depth exploration in the field visits; exchange; opening new perspectives, strengthening the science-society link and stimulating local stakeholders to innovation

Development of new and lasting research collaborations: strengthening or mostly establishing new co-operations between partner organisations; strengthening or mostly establishing new integration of partner organisations into mountain networks; leading to new research topics

H.3 delivers results throughout its lifetime. The first immediate results have been available after the initial R&IS, such as the collective learning process produced and the results of the exchanges between the participants during the visits and workshops. Also the ISDH analysis methods will synthesized into folders, but not yet freely accessible on the HIGHLANDS online Platform.
Highlands.3 Kick-off Meeting, 10.02.2020, Brussels