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Risultati finali
D61 Online presence M3 M36 will show the setting up of the project website and the different communication channels created to give visibility to the project and their evolution to create awareness around DIH4CPS
D6.6d: Collaboration with other Smart Anything Everywhere projects and Digital Innovation HubsThis deliverable do the report of the activities planned in the D66a
D6.3b: Dissemination activitiesD63 Dissemination activities M12 M24 M36 will contain the main activities performed by all the partners during the project
D6.6c: Collaboration with other Smart Anything Everywhere projects and Digital Innovation HubsThis deliverable do the report of the activities planned in the D66a
D6.3c: Dissemination activitiesD63 Dissemination activities M12 M24 M36 will contain the main activities performed by all the partners during the project
D6.3a: Dissemination activitiesD63 Dissemination activities M12 M24 M36 will contain the main activities performed by all the partners during the project
D6.6b: Collaboration with other Smart Anything Everywhere projects and Digital Innovation HubsThis deliverable do the report of the activities planned in the D66a
D411 A capacity planning solution to optimize workflow to a changing production environment M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.4b: CPS for energyD4.4: CPS for energy (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.2b: IoT/CPS for patient services upgrading in Home HealthcareD4.2: IoT/CPS for patient services upgrading in Home Healthcare (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.10b: The urban orchard planter prototypeD4.10: The urban orchard planter prototype (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.11b: A capacity planning solution to optimize workflow to a changing production environmentD4.11: A capacity planning solution to optimize workflow to a changing production environment (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.8b: Track and trace scheduled product in an open and hostile environment by deploying CPSD4.8: Track and trace scheduled product in an open and hostile environment by deploying CPS (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.2a: IoT/CPS for patient services upgrading in Home HealthcareD42 IoTCPS for patient services upgrading in Home Healthcare M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.1b: Safe and Sustainable Aquaculture Farming PrototypeD4.1: Safe and Sustainable Aquaculture Farming Prototype (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.5a: 3D Audio-visual inmersive installation prototypeD45 3D Audiovisual inmersive installation prototype M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.5b: 3D Audio-visual inmersive installation prototypeD4.5: 3D Audio-visual inmersive installation prototype (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.7a: CPS for security and wellbeing of shop floor workersD47 CPS for security and wellbeing of shop floor workers M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.6b: Food Processing PrototypeD4.6: Food Processing Prototype (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.8a: Track and trace scheduled product in an open and hostile environment by deploying CPSD48 Track and trace scheduled product in an open and hostile environment by deploying CPS M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.9a: Smart and sustainable mobility prototypeD49 Smart and sustainable mobility prototype M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.4a: CPS for energyD44 CPS for energy M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.7b: CPS for security and wellbeing of shop floor workersD4.7: CPS for security and wellbeing of shop floor workers (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.9b: Smart and sustainable mobility prototypeD4.9: Smart and sustainable mobility prototype (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.3a: CPS for personalised interactive Tourist PlatformD43 CPS for personalised interactive Tourist Platform M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.10a: The urban orchard planter prototypeD410 The urban orchard planter prototype M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.6a: Food Processing PrototypeD46 Food Processing Prototype M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D4.3b: CPS for personalised interactive Tourist PlatformD4.3: CPS for personalised interactive Tourist Platform (M18, M30). The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned. The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package.
D4.1a: Safe and Sustainable Aquaculture Farming PrototypeD41 Safe and Sustainable Aquaculture Farming Prototype M18 M30 The first at M18 describing the preliminary prototype and implementation roadmap and the second at M30 which will document the final prototype and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
D21 DIH Service Catalogue for Ecosystem Technology Business Development
D6.4: Business Participation ReportD64 Business Participation Report M36 will document the efforts and outcome of the business participation encouragement in task 64
D5.2: Report on the Open Calls Execution and Third Parties ManagementD52 Report on the Open Calls Execution and Third Parties Management M36
D7.3: Network Business Model Implementation ReportD73 Network Business Model Implementation Report M36
D6.6a: Collaboration with other Smart Anything Everywhere projects and Digital Innovation HubsThis deliverable addresses the liaison and cooperation activities with other projects that will contribute to the Smart Anything Everywhere and Digital Innovation Hubs initiatives It entails contributions to the following activities The action will support the SAE network and help achieve broad coverage in technological application innovation and geographic terms and to link up with regionalnational innovation initiatives and other Digital Innovation Hubs Its tasks and services shall include maintaining a single innovation portal sharing of best practices dissemination brokering leveraging further investment and training For these support actions close cooperation with ECSEL and other CSAs funded under the Digitising European Industry focus area is looked for Participate to common dissemination events Exploit synergies between projects eg brokering access to facilities offered by the other projects guiding SMEs to the appropriate project sharing of best practices leveraging further investments and training Link to innovation networks eg Entreprise Europe networks National Contact Point networks in order to multiply innovation beyond projects Contribute to a common web portal and a corporate identity without detriment of the individual identity and web site of each project Join forces on dissemination brokerage events eg innovation sectorspecific events Organise regular meetings to assess the cooperation activities Participation to the development of a Digital Innovation Hub Catalogue
D3.3b: Modelling of DIHs network and partnersD33 Modelling of DIHs network and partners M12 M24 M36 will extend the competence ontology with the network partners information
D6.2a: Dissemination strategy and Promotional MaterialsD62 Dissemination strategy and Promotional Materials M3 M18 will explain the dissemination approach from a strategic and planning point of view including the objectives the messages and the audience It will also report on the promotional materials created for the various audiences
D3.6: Navigation InterfaceD36 Navigation Interface M24 will implement the network navigation interface
D5.4: Report on the Enrolment of Open Call DIHsD54 Report on the Enrolment of Open Call DIHs M36
D3.4: Modelling of Network ServicesD34 Modelling of Network Services M18 will extend the competence ontology with the network services defined in WP2
D2.2: DIH Service Workflows and Customer JourneysD22 DIH Service Workflows and Customer Journeys M18
D3.2c: Embedded Systems and CPS Competence OntologyD32 Embedded Systems and CPS Competence Ontology M09 M18 M34 is a formal ontology updated along the project representing the existing and the new knowledge generated by the interoperations on the network representing all the competences of the network related to Embedded Systems and CPS
D3.7a: Interoperability maturity assessment of the DIHs and partners networkD37 Interoperability maturity assessment of the DIHs and partners network M18 M36 will assessment the interoperability requirements of the network
D3.5: Network Navigation Service DesignD35 Network Navigation Service Design M24 will deliver a detailed specification and design for the network navigation services and interface
D3.1: Modelling framework for knowledge creationD31 Modelling framework for knowledge creation M06 is a report that defines procedures and methods for analysing network competences
D3.7b: Interoperability maturity assessment of the DIHs and partners networkD37 Interoperability maturity assessment of the DIHs and partners network M18 M36 will assessment the interoperability requirements of the network
D3.2a: Embedded Systems and CPS Competence OntologyD32 Embedded Systems and CPS Competence Ontology M09 M18 M34 is a formal ontology updated along the project representing the existing and the new knowledge generated by the interoperations on the network representing all the competences of the network related to Embedded Systems and CPS
D5.1: Open Gall GuidelinesD51 Open Gall Guidelines M4
D2.4: Methodology Validation in CPS DIHs networks and RecommendationsD24 Methodology Validation in CPS DIHs networks and Recommendations M36
D6.5: Encourage New Partners to participate in the Open CallsD65 Encourage New Partners to participate in the Open Calls M30 will document the efforts and outcome of the open call partners encouragement in task 65
D6.2b: Dissemination strategy and Promotional MaterialsD62 Dissemination strategy and Promotional Materials M3 M18 will explain the dissemination approach from a strategic and planning point of view including the objectives the messages and the audience It will also report on the promotional materials created for the various audiences
D3.2b: Embedded Systems and CPS Competence OntologyD32 Embedded Systems and CPS Competence Ontology M09 M18 M34 is a formal ontology updated along the project representing the existing and the new knowledge generated by the interoperations on the network representing all the competences of the network related to Embedded Systems and CPS
D3.3a: Modelling of DIHs network and partnersD33 Modelling of DIHs network and partners M12 M24 M36 will extend the competence ontology with the network partners information
D3.3c: Modelling of DIHs network and partnersD33 Modelling of DIHs network and partners M12 M24 M36 will extend the competence ontology with the network partners information
D2.3: DIH Performance Indicators systemD23 DIH Performance Indicators system M24
D6.1a: Online presenceD61 Online presence M3 M36 will show the setting up of the project website and the different communication channels created to give visibility to the project and their evolution to create awareness around DIH4CPS
D7.2: Exploitation and sustainability modelD72 Exploitation and sustainability model M24
D7.1: DIH4CPS Value proposition and generic business modelD71 DIH4CPS Value proposition and generic business model M21
D5.3: Report on the Work Executed by Third Parties in the Open Call ExperimentsD53 Report on the Work Executed by Third Parties in the Open Call Experiments M36
Selwyn Joymangul, Aicha Sekhari, Alain Chatelet, Olivier Grasset, Nejib Moalla
Pubblicato in:
43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2021
Claudio Sassanelli, Hervé Panetto, Sergio Terzi, and Guy Doumeingts
Pubblicato in:
27th ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference, 2021, ISBN 9781728134017
HAL archive-ouvertes
Jensen Selwyn Joymangul, Aicha Sekhari, Nejib Moalla, Olivier Grasset
Pubblicato in:
2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 2020, Pagina/e 397-402, ISBN 978-1-7281-9429-5
Claudio Sassanelli, Hervé Panetto, Wided Guedria, Sergio Terzi, Guy Doumeingts
Pubblicato in:
Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0 - 21st IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2020, Valencia, Spain, November 23–25, 2020, Proceedings, Numero 598, 2020, Pagina/e 597-607, ISBN 978-3-030-62411-8
Springer International Publishing
Stefano Villa, Claudio Sassanelli
Pubblicato in:
Energies, Numero 13/24, 2020, Pagina/e 6654, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
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