CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation and Smart Specialization


TetRRIS Policy Lab report

Three documents of about 1015 pages each documenting the main conclusions from each of the pilotterritory sessions A final report on the aggregate learnings agreed upon during the validation session of ca 2530 pages

Key lessons from TetRRIS for integrating RRI into regional innovation systems and development

A ca 3050 page document setting out the main lessons for integrating RRI into regional development and regional innovation systems as validated by feedback from stakeholders

Communication strategy and visual identity

A document setting the targets for communication and dissemination as well as tools and target audiences goals objectives and people responsible for dissemination It includes also information of the events organized by the consortium It also defines the visual identity of the project The deliverable is updated at each reporting period

Mapping Report for each Pilot Territory

Following the completion of all activities under WP 2 each core partner will produce a mapping report for their associated pilot Each report documents the relevant stakeholders their networks hard and soft framework conditions and RRIrelevant activities in the regions These will be submitted as detailed 3050 page documents with concise summaries and conclusions that can serve as input to WP 3

Brief reports on region-specific challenges and identified areas for joint action

Following the first round of workshops each scientific partner prepares a summary of regionspecific issues and challenges that may yield themselves to RRI related considerations including preceding activities to be built upon existing partnerships to be leveraged and additional stakeholders interested to get involved The reports serve as structuring input to the second round of workshops and will not exceed 2025 pages in length

Pilot Territory-specific policy briefs

A suite of 4 policy briefs of about 1525 pages each setting out tools good practices and policy recommendations tailored to each pilot territory

Final report of the project

A report summarizing all the operations findings results and recommendations of the project

Documentation of results of short survey on perceived benefits and shortcomings

A 515 page document describing the results of the survey administered in Task 42 and briefly outlining planned responses eg modification of activities to the survey results

Validated Mapping and Analysis Framework

Following first conceptual exchanges within the consortium the project steering group and the European Commission Fraunhofer ISI will develop Mapping and Analysis Framework that once validated can be used as guidance for further activities under WP 2 The framework will take the form of conceptually grounded practical guidelines not exceeding 20 pages


Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of project Results PDER Due date M4 update in M18 and in M30

Policy Brief on project results

A short policy bried describing the results and recommendations of the project

Work Plan for the project

A detailed work plan with contact information and work and decisionmaking responsibilities for the project

Handbook of Policy Recommendations

A Handbook of about 1525 pages summarising the key lessons tools good practices and policy recommendations derived from TetRRIS in more general form so as to be relevant to policy makers and practitioners in other regions of Europe

Final Documentation of activities and outcomes under the individual pilots

A 2025 page document for each pilot describing the main activities undertaken in the pilot actions ie what concrete challenges the regional stakeholders decided to focus on how RRI was operationalised to address them and what the positive and negative outcomes of this were

Report on dissemination and exploitation of results events

A report on various internal and external dissemination and exploitation events before interim and final reporting Due months 14 and 35

Policy Brief on challenges and interventions

A short policy brief of the project findings

Data Management Plan

A detailed Data Management Plan is prepared to describe how the data will be generated processed collected stored and documented

Interrim report of the project

A report drawing together the progress of the project and the halfway results

Project website

A comprehensive internet portal to communicate all the project findings It will be crosslinked fromto other channels used for the project and will integrate with the other channels social networks blogs etc and other tools used in the project

TetRRIS Policy Lab baseline and thematic briefs

One short (ca. 3-5 pages) text setting out the sessions' design for the session organisers and facilitatorsFour short (ca. 2-3 pages) briefs setting out each session's thematic focus as background for participants. Due dates M22, M23, M26, M29, M33.

Concrete action plans for pilot interventions to be pursued under WP4

At the end of the second round of workshops regional stakeholders will have formed motivated teams around regionspecific RRI challenges and defined clear roadmaps how to pursue them in the subsequent course of the project These action plans will specify the concrete stages approaches methodologies and action points for the pilot stage which in this proposal can only be envisaged and planned generically They will be concise pilot handbooks of no more than 3035 pages each

Promotional materials (to be produced on a needs-basis throughout WP 4

Various material to promote and raise awareness of the pilot actions within the pilot territories as well as, when appropriate, across Europe, and to build linkages to relevant stakeholders. This can involve flyers, social media content, project website curation, and GDPR-compliant personal emails. These are produced in months 12-23.

Concept for continuation

A document of about 8-12 pages for each pilot, setting out how and in what form the regional stakeholders expect to further continue the activities launched in the pilots.


Facilitating adoption of responsible innovation in business through certification

Autoren: Miklós Lukovics, Benedek Nagy, Zenlin Kwee & Emad Yaghmaei
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Responsible Innovation, Ausgabe 10:1, 2023, ISSN 2329-9037
Herausgeber: Taylor& Francis Online
DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2023.2211810

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