The ROVER consortium is formed by a highly skilled multidisciplinary team of experts from eight countries seeking to develop novel solutions and procedures for international adaptation of complex non-invasive on-body and in-body wireless systems for healthcare devices. The cross-sectoral and multinational composition of the consortium enables a natural route from profound basic research to health-related applications facilitating the commercialization of wireless technology innovations for international markets. The ROVER team is capable of contributing to all levels of the Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) process of new end-to-end approaches. The system architecture that the team envisions as the ultimate outcome of the four-year project is increasingly seamless, dependable, energy-efficient and secure. Our team is also capable to take into account all the features coming from 5G health vertical roadmap due to the existing research activities we have. The system architecture to be developed relies on pivotal expertise in multidisciplinary areas of engineering, physics, medicine, computer science and product development. The end to end ROVER architecture described implements non-ionizing diagnostics and monitoring augmented by secure data transfer at all levels with medical involvement does not currently exist. Individual as well as pivotal collaborative research and innovations are required to create user-required backward compatible systems beyond state-of-the-art.
ROVER has six objectives:
Objective 1. Wireless in-, on- and off- body communications
Objective 2. Physical layer system design
Objective 3. Development of light security mechanisms
Objective 4. Novel molecular and nano-communications
Objective 5. Non-invasive healthcare monitoring
Objective 5. Non-invasive healthcare monitoring
This is the Periodic Report Number 1.