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Benchmarking of Wheel Corner Concepts Towards Optimal Comfort by Automated Driving


Selbstfahrende Autos bald an jeder Ecke?

Autos haben vier Ecken, in etwa dort, wo die Räder montiert sind. Der Reisekomfort und die Fahreigenschaften eines Fahrzeugs hängen vor allem von seinem Federungssystem ab, das den Kontakt zwischen den Rädern des Autos und der Straße aufrechterhält. Das Gleiche gilt für die selbstfahrenden Autos der Zukunft. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt OWHEEL wird Empfehlungen für eine verbesserte Fahrdynamik und einen höheren Passagierkomfort durch innovative Bauformen für den Bereich rund um die Räder und Ecken bei autonomen Fahrzeugen aussprechen. Das Projekt wird auf Verbundforschung und Zusammenarbeit in der Weiterbildung zwischen Universitäten und industriellen Organisationen aus der EU, Japan und Südafrika zurückgreifen. Es wird auch relevante Networking-, Verbreitungs- und Verwertungsmaßnahmen umfassen.


The project OWHEEL aims at the development and evaluation of new concepts of automotive wheel corners as crucial elements of future vehicle architecture tailored to provide an optimal comfort during automated driving. The consortium will benchmark four essentially different classes: Passive corner with specific wheel positioning; Passive composite corner; Active corner with ordinary ride dynamics control; Active corner with integrated wheel positioning control.

For each proposed concept, the project will include relevant stages of development design, extensive simulation studies and experimental validation. The main goal of the OWHEEL project is to perform deep analysis and provide on its basis the recommendations for future vehicle architecture, which could ensure an optimal comfort by automated driving. In this regard, the research and innovation objectives are focused on:
i. Revisiting the driving comfort criteria with their tuning to automated driving requirements and operational modes;
ii. Development of bencmarking criteria and corresponding analytical tool for comparison of wheel corner concepts in terms of driving comfort quality with simultaneous ensuring of required performance in terms of safety, energy-efficiency and reliability;
iii. Development and validation of active wheel corner concepts;
iv. Development and validation of passive wheel corner concepts;
v. Producing practical recommendations for automotive system developers based on obtained R&D results

The implementation of the project OWHEEL will be based on intensive staff exchange that leads to collaborative research and training between universities and industrial organizations from EU, Japan and South Africa. The project will also include relevant networking, dissemination and exploitation actions.


€ 110 400,00
98693 Ilmenau

Auf der Karte ansehen

Thüringen Thüringen Ilm-Kreis
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 142 600,00

Beteiligte (11)

Partner (2)