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Waste Oils RecycLe and Development

Descrizione del progetto

Un processo di riciclaggio verde per l’olio alimentare esaurito

Molti paesi hanno varato leggi per promuovere il riciclaggio di oli vegetali usati. Tuttavia, i limiti nell’attuale tecnologia rendono impossibile il corretto riutilizzo di questa materia prima. Il progetto WORLD, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di creare un processo verde virtuoso per il riciclaggio dell’olio alimentare esaurito attraverso un modello di economia circolare. Impiegando materie prime verdi e riciclabili, esso dimostrerà la produzione veloce e senza rifiuti di biolubrificanti provenienti dagli oli alimentari esauriti. Le acque reflue e le bentoniti contaminate saranno riciclate in sottoprocessi separati. Il progetto esplorerà inoltre la possibilità di ottenere un mezzo adeguato per trattare i composti organici volatili provenienti dagli oli alimentari esauriti. Questo lavoro condurrà alla produzione di prodotti raffinati competitivi a livello globale che si basano su un modello di economia circolare.


Although several Countries have enacted specific legislations in order to boost the recycling of used vegetable oils, the limits of the current technology don’t allow a proper reutilization of such raw material. The project WORLD aims to develop a virtuous green process for WCOs recycling which applying a circular economy model. An innovative fast and zero-waste production of biolubricants from WCOs will be developed employing green and recyclable raw materials (water and natural bentonites). The wastewaters and the contaminated bentonites will be recycled in two independent sub-processes. In addition to the biolubricants production, the possibility to obtain a suitable medium for VOCs treatment from WCOs will be considered. The scientific part of the project will be developed in agreement to the economic guidelines defined by UBU-ICCRAM. In fact, in order to develop a circular economy model and to produce refined products competitive on the global market, a detailed business plan will be edited. The recycling of the raw materials, the minimization of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) and reduction of the production costs with respect to existing processes, will be exploited for build the economic plan. The Company GESTTA will guarantee assistance in the scale-up step will facilitate the brake into the market of the refined products. Life Cycle Assessment studies (LCA) and market analyses performed by UBU-ICCRAM will enhance the market competitiveness of the proposed process. The optimized transfer of know-how and skills within the Staff members involved from the academic and private sectors, as well as the best strategies of value chain analysis, scaling-up analysis and financial requirements analysis, during all the duration of the project will be guaranteed by the contribution to the project of FYD, an Italian Company specialized in transfer of knowledge activities.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 73 600,00
20133 Milano

Mostra sulla mappa

Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 73 600,00

Partecipanti (7)

Partner (1)