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AQUA4D, for an efficient use of irrigation water

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AQUA4D (AQUA4D, for an efficient use of irrigation water )

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-09-01 bis 2021-11-30

Our company’s mission from the outset has always been to sustainably improve the water efficiency of companies with a positive impact on the health of people and planet. A major global challenge in the coming years will be to ensure food security and to feed the increasing human population. Although a 35% population increase is projected by 2050, an increase in food demand in the order of 70% is anticipated, due to economic development and changes in food preferences. At the same time, resources are degrading (soil, water), exacerbated by climate change. Significant improvements are necessary in the agriculture sector in terms of resource use efficiency. AQUA4D® can hugely contribute to producing more with less resources (water, fertilizers, energy), taking irrigation management to a very high level of precision. With growing interest in our water-smart agriculture technology, we will be able to serve the large-scale crops markets with this project, where AQUA4D-Pivot could be a true game-changer.
The use of AQUA4D-Pivot will allow large-scale farmers to obtain water and fertilizer savings, improvement of yields, and use of saline water for irrigation without detrimental effect on plants - all while contributing to 11 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). And crucially, AQUA4D® brings all these advantages without changing the chemical composition of the water, does not use any chemicals, does not create any by-products, consumes very little energy (can be powered by a small solar panel) and does not require any maintenance.
The first AQUA4D-Pivot prototypes technologically adapted to high water flow rates to suit pivot irrigation systems have been implemented in 3 countries (2 in Spain, 3 in Brazil and 3 in the US) with optimistic results confirming some positive impact on soil moisture improvement, cleaning pipes and increasing yields.
AQUA4D-Pivot assembly line adapted for serial production have been fully designed. We have redefined our targeted markets more accurately, also with a clear view of the main pivot manufacturers presence in each market. We identified and are in contact with many organizations (local and international) and major companies, to approach strategically the market at different levels (local commercialization and global international projects).
We built a new marketing strategy and go to market strategy for each target country, rebranding AQUA4D with a new communication brand guide and new website.
AQUA4D-Pivot systems were designed to achieve the most efficient treatment for the water.
The first AQUA4D-Pivot prototypes technologically adapted to high water flow rates to suit pivot irrigation systems have been implemented in 3 countries (2 in Spain, 3 in Brazil and 3 in the US) with optimistic results confirming some positive impact on soil moisture improvement, cleaning pipes and increasing yields. In addition, we are continuing partnership for 2022 with most of these growers, adding extra partners around the table for more technology awareness and dissemination purposes.
AQUA4D-Pivot assembly line adapted for serial production have been fully designed, and the assembly line will be implemented as soon as the certification process is completed.
We have redefined our targeted markets more accurately, also with a clear view of the main pivot manufacturers presence in each market. For each market, we determined our go to market with a detailed analysis on what we are selling, where, to whom and how. We identified two or three types of potential partners and channels.
Regarding the communication and dissemination channels, we established a new brand positioning and an AQUA4D service and workflow. We defined many marketing activations, including SEO strategic management and SEA implementation, new website, articles, video testimonials, strategic online events and webinars.
In our branding and communication, we established a marketing structure, a communications segmentation, a communications model and a communications approach.
We are ready to introduce this new line of products for precision irrigation: AQUA4D® H-A Max (commercial name) irrigation system for agricultural applications in large crops will be a new option on the market, easy to install, maximum operating pressure 10 bar, 145 psi, flowrate from 215 to 720 m3/h (900 to 3170 US GPM).
To successfully expand our existing business into the area of macro irrigation (pivots, large crops), we worked on a B2B funnel, a shared value plan for value proposition, on brand conceptualization, mission and vision.
Regarding intellectual protection process, several documents have been registered on the Bernstein platform. End-users’ documentation and procedure manuals, various documents have been created to ensure that the system is correctly installed and started (Setup Guide, User Manual, Grounding measure guide, TU (treatment unit) measure guide, TU drive card measure guide and TU cable measure guide).
The great combination of advantages provided by AQUA4D are related to the modification of the properties of water. Currently, the only available and credible alternative on the market for the physical treatment of water is the reverse osmosis, involving very high-power consumption rates and operation costs (periodical replacement of membranes leads to higher costs). Moreover, the disposal of the concentrated brine causes ecological problems. AQUA4D-Pivot is the only technologically and economically adapted solution to high-water flow rates to suit pivot irrigation systems and large-scale crops.
From erratic rainfall to severe droughts, global warming is increasing competition for water around the world, generating water-related conflicts. More than two billion people are already experiencing "high" water stress, and facing extreme water shortages will fuel conflict, political instability, social unrest, and migration. One key to tackling water scarcity is boosting investment in more sparing use of water in agriculture, an industry that absorbs 70% of the water used by people each year. With 20% to 80% improvement in water use efficiency, AQUA4D-Pivot could have a huge impact, economically, environmentally, and societally. Thus, beside the direct approach with farmers, we are networking to build strong international projects with multi-stakeholder partnership (multilateral financial institutions, public organizations, and NGOs). We are perfectly answering these above important challenges they are financing and prioritizing to limit the impacts of water-related conflicts and migrations.
AQUA4D is one of the endorsing companies to the CEO Water Mandate, along with some of the world's biggest firms, a UN Global Compact initiative committed to reducing water stress by 2050, devoted to this collective action and commitment required to combat water scarcity and reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As DNA of our company, AQUA4D is pleased to fulfil a total of 11 SDGs set out by the United Nations. Covering everything from responsible production to clean energy to addressing water scarcity, here’s how our company addresses sustainability in everything we do. We recently pitched at the COP26.
Standard center-pivot irrigation system with AQUA4D-Pivot installed
Standard Centre-Pivot Irrigation System - where Aqua4D-Pivot will be installed