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Separation Management and Controller Tools

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PJ10-W2 PROSA (Separation Management and Controller Tools)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-01-01 al 2022-12-31

PJ.10-W2-73 FCA
In Flight Centric Air Traffic Control (FCA), a controller is no longer in charge of managing the entire traffic in a given sector. Instead, he/she will become responsible for a certain number of aircraft throughout their flight segment within a given airspace. Objectives:
• Validation of procedures for conflict detection and resolution, non-standard situations, different team set-ups and coordination and transfer procedures with adjacent sector-based ATC.
• Definition of tools/procedures for demand and capacity balancing and ATFCM.
• Validation of aircraft-to-controller assignment strategies.
• Transition aspects between flight-centric and sector-based ATC
• Increase the usability of Wide Area Communication HMI for the ATCO.

PJ.10-W2-73 IFAV
The IFAV concept will allow the ATCO to be less geographically constrained to the airspace they can work. Objectives:
• To identify the extent to which ATCO ‘needs’ can be addressed by current and near-term airspace systems.
• Establish areas for new tool/procedure design.

PJ.10-W2-73 CC
Currently, the sector team is responsible only for all aircraft within their sector. This makes the transition between sectors not as efficient as it could be, with aircraft levelling-off frequently. Collaborative Control identifies new responsibilities for the Executive- and Planning Controller both supported by a trajectory-based FDP system and support tools based on CD&R & trajectory prediction. Objectives:
• Investigate the impact of procedures to reduce coordination agreements.
• Research and validate performance requirements for tools support.
• Research the concept when it is paired with advances in controller tools support.

Currently ATM systems are organised at a national level using monolithic architectures where flight data and other information services are integrated locally within the ANSP. A new architecture in a Virtual Centre gives the possibility to require a change of regulations and laws, changes to operational rules and procedures and updates to the roles and responsibilities. Objectives:
• Development of use cases for the delegation of ATS services and contingency.
• Progress the concept to support the use cases of static and dynamic contingency and delegation of provision airspace.
• Consider different architectures and implementation options involving multiple ADSPs, enabling Europe to move to an interoperable, cost-effective and flexible service provision infrastructure.

PJ.10-W2-96 AG
The solution deals with new methods of controller interaction with the Human Machine Interface. Objectives:
• Implementation of a new “fade-out” algorithm which will dim traffic that presumably will not request interaction with ATCOs.
• For the first time the CWP will take decisions about the priority of flights with regards to the attention needed by ATCOs.
• Controllers’ productivity is expected to increase by focusing their attention only to a set of flights in the sector.
• The reduction of controllers’ workload will increase capacity.

PJ.10-W2-96 ASR
The solution deals with new methods of controller interaction with the Human Machine Interface. As most input in the CWP come from ATCO-pilot spoken dialog, ASR is the appropriate technology to reduce ATCO’s workload by prefilling command masks from the spoken commands instead of manually inputting them into the system. The solution will also investigate how ASR may be used to enable faster and more predictable navigation in 3D visualizations of the airspace sectorisation when using dynamic airspace configuration.
Initial concept definition and technical specifications have been produced and validation planning initiated.
Concept-development workshops have taken place with Operational, Safety and Human Performance experts. Software development of tools and validation platform has been undertaken.

Initial concept definition and technical specifications have been produced and validation planning initiated along with activities to revise the validation strategy.
Technical workshops have taken place with Operational, Safety and HP experts. Wide Area Communications workshops have been facilitated and the White Paper has been delivered. Exercises have been conducted. Work on final deliverables has started.

Initial concept definition and technical specifications have been produced and validation planning initiated. Concept-development workshops have taken place with Operational, Safety and HP experts. A potential initial deployment of the concept has also been investigated, which has led to the proposal for a live operations trial to be undertaken in SESAR W3. Exercise has been conducted. Work on final deliverables has started.

The solution has delivered initial and intermediate version of the Operational Uses Cases, Technical Specification procedures and validation. These procedures are defined for normal & abnormal conditions. The concept of delegation is as technology agnostic as possible and can be implemented by different architecture systems as well as by systems supporting the Virtual Centre Model. Exercises have been conducted. Work on final deliverables has started.

Technical meetings, and a dry run, have been facilitated to understand how the Skyguide/Skysoft system works in normal modality and how it will work implementing the fade-out algorithm. Concept development meetings have taken place and both TS/IRS and TVALP deliverables have been drafted. Validation use cases are under evaluation. Workshops to identify HF issues and SAF hazards have been conducted. Exercise has been conducted. Work on final deliverables has started.

Technical meetings have been facilitated and both initial TS/IRS and TVALP deliverables have been prepared. Validation use cases are under evaluation. Safety and HF issues have been identified. A Safety and Human Performance Change Assessment workshop has been conducted. Exercises have been conducted. Work on final deliverables has started.
Improved flight efficiency through the bypassing of ATC constraints and reducing the controller workload.
Improvements to the profile of the aircraft through a process of tactical coordination/re-coordination.

A more even distribution of ATCO workload in case of dynamic allocation and an increase of ATCO productivity is expected. Lower fuel consumption due to the possibility to maintain the agreed trajectory better. Reduced frequency congestion & pilot workload.

Increased ATC cost efficiency and resilience due to more flexible resourcing and reduced ongoing training requirements is expected.

The solution expectation is quite high due to the agility to greater opportunities to provide Air Traffic Services, both from a technical and operational context, leading to flexible use of resources, which in turn leads to improved overall performance.
The solution aims to increase controller productivity and capacity and reduce controller workload.

The solution aims to increase controller productivity and capacity, reduce controller workload, to increase fuel efficiency and reduce technology costs.
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