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Risultati finali
Interim PAGAR providing the consolidation of the performance assessment on Operational Performance KPAs Environment Safety Security and Human Performance and assessment of dependencies between solutions based on early Wave 2 performances assessments
Service Roadmap 2020Description of the services SESAR Solutions are developing or planning to develop
Architecture Description Document (ADD) 2023Final Architecture Document Description for Wave 2 providing a high level overview of the changes at operational system and service level
eATM Portal Release Note 2022Yearly report on the evolution of the eATM Portal content reflecting the SESAR Solution content progress new changes introduced as part of the Data Set the Master Plan Level 2 Data Set connected with the MP Level 3 possibly highlighting the impact on Level 1
SE-DMF Guidance DocumentGuidance Document including the SEDMF User Manual the description of Data Model the training documentation the description of the best practices
eATM Portal Release Note 2020Yearly report on the evolution of the eATM Portal content reflecting the SESAR Solution content progress new changes introduced as part of the Data Set the Master Plan Level 2 Data Set connected with the MP Level 3 possibly highlighting the impact on Level 1
Progress Report on Ad hoc ActivitiesReport on the adhoc supportactivities provided by WP5 on request along the duration of the SESAR 2020 W2 including the description of the activity and the result of it
Operational Concept Document (OCD) 2020Intermediate version of the Operational Concept complemented with High Level Operational Requirement Document to reflect the SESAR 2020 Wave 1 achievements and the scope of SESAR Wave 2 Solution at its start
Architecture Release Note 2022Yearly report on the status and evolution of the architecture content and maturity SESAR Solution content progress new changes introduced as part of the Data Set gap analysis as well as cybersecurity status and any issue addressed during the period
Performance Assessment and Gap Analysis Report - FinalFinal PAGAR providing the Wave 2 consolidation of Operational Performance KPAs Environment Safety Security and Human Performance and assessment of dependencies between solutions based on Wave2 performances assessments and to support the MP production
Operational Concept Document (OCD) 2023Operational Concept Document tailored to reflect the SESAR 2020 Wave 2 achievements aligned with the SESAR Vision and Performance ambitions as set by the European ATM Master Plan 2022 Level 1 and built to propose a new baseline for a potential SESAR 3 or any successor of SESAR
Architecture Release Note 2023Yearly report on the status and evolution of the architecture content and maturity SESAR Solution content progress new changes introduced as part of the Data Set gap analysis as well as cybersecurity status and any issue addressed during the period
Validation Targets - Wave 2Translation of the European ATM Master Plan Performance Ambition into validation targets to support SESAR Wave 2 performance assessments performed at Solution level
EATMA Guidance 2022EATMA Framework Guidance document for 2022 including the evolution of the EATMA Framework and the change management process
eATM Portal Release Note 2021Yearly report on the evolution of the eATM Portal content reflecting the SESAR Solution content progress new changes introduced as part of the Data Set the Master Plan Level 2 Data Set connected with the MP Level 3 possibly highlighting the impact on Level 1
Architecture Description Document (ADD) 2020Initial Architecture Document Description reflecting all available mature content from S2020 Wave 1 not integrated into the last ADD Wave 1 and any initial content from Wave 2 solutions It provides high level overview of the changes at operational system service and information level
Report on Service, Information and Terminology (RSIT) 2020Yearly description of the change requests related to services information description AIRM and terminology Lexicon
Architecture Release Note 2020Yearly report on the status and evolution of the architecture content and maturity SESAR Solution content progress new changes introduced as part of the Data Set gap analysis as well as cybersecurity status and any issue addressed during the period
Architecture Release Note 2021Yearly report on the status and evolution of the architecture content and maturity SESAR Solution content progress new changes introduced as part of the Data Set gap analysis as well as cybersecurity status and any issue addressed during the period
EATMA Guidance 2020EATMA Guidance document for 2020 including the evolution of the EATMA Framework and the change management process occurring in Wave 2
SE-DMF Software Release NoteDescription of processed change requests to the SEDMF at toolset infrastructure functional andor architectural levels and updates to the Data Model of the SEDMF performed
eATM Portal Release Note 2023Yearly report on the evolution of the eATM Portal content reflecting the SESAR Solution content progress new changes introduced as part of the Data Set the Master Plan Level 2 Data Set connected with the MP Level 3 possibly highlighting the impact on Level 1
SESAR Performance Framework - U-Space Companion documentThis new document complement the D44 Performance Framework document with USpace performance references KPI and KPA The result is intended to be used as a baseline in SESAR 3 for USpace
Pubblicato in:
"Elsevier ""Journal of Air Transport Management""", 2022, ISSN 0969-6997
Pergamon Press Ltd.
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