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PJ.20 W2 Master Planning

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PJ20-W2 AMPLE (PJ.20 W2 Master Planning)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-01-01 al 2023-06-30

Within the Single European Sky technological pillar, the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan (ATM MP) is the roadmap to the horizon 2035+ to guide and connect ATM Research and Innovation and Deployment in building the future European ATM System. The European ATM Master Plan Edition 2020 approved by the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) Administrative Board and the European Commission, sets out Performance Ambitions and a Vision for European ATM.

As such, it provides a European reference for alignment of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Global Air Navigation Plan.

The ATM MP is composed of three Levels; it can be consulted in the ATM MP Public Portal:

The ATM MP is the essential instrument allowing all European ATM key civil and military stakeholders - Airspace users, Air Navigation Service providers, Airports, Network Manager, Airborne and Ground industry, Standardisation bodies and Professional Staff organisations - to share and further develop this common vision for the future European ATM and setting forth the SESAR solutions which following successful research are likely to be elicited to compose future Common Projects for operationally seamless and cost effective deployment.

The ATM MP needs to be a living plan, kept abreast of evolutions of the European ATM performance, progresses of the SESAR solutions research results and of deployment.

The duty of SESAR PJ.20 W2 AMPLE (ATM Master PLan for Europe) is to ensure the maintenance, update and alignment of the ATM MP three Levels and its associated Portal as a Common Support Activity of the SESAR 2020 Programme.

The SESAR JU uses the ATM MP to steer the execution of the SESAR 2020 Programme and the SESAR 2020 Solutions.
In this second Reporting period, the overall progress of PJ.20 W2 AMPLE (ATM Master PLan for Europe) has been still hampered by resource difficulties and fully virtual working practices caused by the on-going COVID-19 crisis

Nonetheless, the following was achieved:
- two Master Plan Level 1 - Level 2 Assessment Reports (the second now renamed and changed to a PMP deliverable D3.3.001 - ATM Master Plan L2 - L1 alignment report (2021) as part of the latest PJ.20 W2 Grant Agreement amendment of 17/12/2021) and the related Master Plan L1 - L2 Assessment Methodology were delivered: these reports monitor all changes introduced by SESAR development activities and highlight the significant changes in terms of alignment with the Master Plan Level1, i.e. the European ATM Master Plan, 2020 edition;
- the support to Master Plan L1-L2 alignment in Architecture (MEGA/EATMA) and related Change Management and the development of associated criteria for Maturity Gate assessments,
- the Master Plan Level 3 - Report on the Implementation Objectives described in the ATM Master Plan Level 3 Plan 2020,
- the Master Plan Level 3 - Plan 2021, fully aligned with the CP1 Regulation and SESAR Deployment Manager - Deployment Programme, also including a view on SESAR solutions and Implementation Objectives contributing to the Airspace Architecture Study Transition Plan (AAS-TP).
- the Standardisation and Regulatory Needs 2020, now to be enhanced and promoted to a contractual deliverable (as included in the PJ.20 W2 Grant Agreement amendment of 17/12), and
- the latest PJ.20 Grant Agreement amendment, approved on 17 December 2021, including:
• PJ.20 extension to 30 June 2023,
• the postponement of the next Master Plan update campaign beyond the SESAR2020 Programme, as requested by the SESAR JU, and
• as needed recommendations of the project monitoring (PMON) report.
The three levels of the European ATM Master Plan