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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Applications

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - THyGA (Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Applications)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-01-01 bis 2021-06-30

Blending green or decarbonised hydrogen into the existing gas grid is a quick win for abating emissions, without expensive additional investments as most of the infrastructure and appliances can remain.
However, the injection of hydrogen in a system designed to operate with natural gas requires a comprehensive assessment of the potential impacts. The THyGA project, supported by the EU Commission, is investigating the amounts of hydrogen that can be injected without compromising the safety, emissions, and efficiency of existing and new applications. It focuses on the end-user perspective: domestic and commercial gas appliances (space heating, hot water, cooking and catering), which account for more than 40% of the EU gas consumption.

The project is organised in packages, each covering a technical aspect. The team will complete an extensive experimental assessment of hydrogen tolerance, based on theoretical background from material science and combustion theory. Outputs include proposed rules and standards regulating hydrogen and natural gas blends for gas appliances and mitigation strategies for coping with high levels of hydrogen admixture. By this approach, the project will determine how different levels of hydrogen blending impact the various appliance technologies, and identify the regime in which safe, efficient, and low-polluting operation is possible.
There is also a strong communication and dissemination element and the whole industry has been invited to join the project via an advisory panel (gathering experts from associations, standardization committees, manufacturers and research centers).
M18 (June 2021)
WP2 has been completed in early 2021, the desk studies realized and exchanges with the stakeholders are the basis for the beginning of the tasks of the other work packages. 5 public are achieved and published on the project website.
• They provide an overview of the actual knowledge on H2NG blends impacts(D2.2 D2.4) on appliances (combustion and non-combustion) based on knowledge gathered from bibliography study (past experimentations and studies) and theoretical calculations
• WP2 worked with the advisory panel group on a segmentation of the portfolio of appliances in Europe (boilers, cookers, catering, fires… in D2.1) and expected impacts pf H2NG blends per sub-category (D2.3)
• This preliminary work also included preparation of the test protocol and the selection of appliances to be tested within WP3 (D2.5)

WP3 has mainly been working in coordination with WP2 on the preparation of the test protocol (tasks 2.5 and 3.1) and the start of the test campaign.
• The preparation of this protocol took more time than anticipated but for good reasons since the project really aimed at getting the approval of as many stakeholders as possible before starting the tests (segmentation and test protocol proposition).
• Therefore, many meetings were organized within the project but also with the advisory panel members or external stakeholders (mainly manufacturers through CEN Technical Committees): these interactions improved the content of the test protocol through iterative work but also created some supplementary time consumption as described in section 3.3.
• At M18, around 15% of the appliances have been tested for short-term tests: some results and analysis have already been presented to advisory panel members and manufacturers during bilateral meetings.
• Long-term tests and leakage tests will begin in July 2021.

WP4 has mainly worked on the identification of existing regulatory and standardization work dealing with certification of natural gas appliances and the ways to deal with hydrogen admixtures within this framework (public deliverable D4.1). The main achievement was the strengthened exchanges with the stakeholders interested by the topic (Technical Committees, SFG-U, NBA-Open).
• An expert Workshop has been organized in March 2021 (replay available on the website) to understand the different paths and options studied by experts, Technical Committees and Notified bodies to prepare for standardization with H2NG blends.
• WP3 and WP4 have also provided many information to the GERG CEN PNR (Pre normative research project) aiming at identifying knowledge gaps on the whole chain gas and prepare priorities in terms of standardization (WP8 works on end-use appliances). The objective is to mutualize knowledge and optimize the impacts of boh projects.

WP5 is working on the identification of mitigation measures to allow higher rates of hydrogen for appliances, internal projects meetings were organized and the methodology presented to the advisory panel group but most of the work will be done in the 2nd reporting period.

WP6 has focused its activity on communication regarding the project (press release, joint webinar with other FCH JU projects, 3 public Workshops, website, newsletter and communication on social media) and the creation of tools to favor communication and dissemination (in particular, publication on D6.1 “Communication, Dissemination and Awareness Plan”).
In line with the call expectations, through improvement of knowledge regarding the effects of H2NG blends on combustion, THyGA's main expected impacts are linked to the support to the establishment of certification proposals for appliances and recommendation for revision of EN standards. WP3 and WP4 especially already provided useful information to Technical Committees and support CEN activity through information exchange with the GERG CEN PNR project.
Mostly, results are expected after M18
Example of test of a cooking burner with up to 70%H2
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