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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Berichtszeitraum: 2021-08-01 bis 2022-11-30

As climate change is a growing concern, new policies at both IMO and EU-levels target the emissions from the waterborne transport sector, a difficult sector in terms of abating GHG emissions.

Thus, STEERER supported the Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport (ZEWT) in providing and demonstrating zero-emission solutions for all main ship types and services before 2030, thus enabling zero-emission waterborne transport before 2050. Support was ensured through four key actions:
• help setting the sector’s emission targets by 2050;
• contribute to the developing, updating and monitoring of the partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) to reach these targets;
• designing an Implementation Plan for this strategic agenda;
• implementing a communication campaign for wider audience, aimed at broader awareness of the waterborne transport sector and its commitment towards zero-emission transport.

STEERER completed these key actions by providing a comprehensive set of technical and non-technical recommendations (policy, financial, regulatory, etc.) in particular for the Partnership SRIA updates but also for the sector as a whole, which will help reach the emission targets towards 2050 if implemented. The project also developed a dedicated dissemination campaign to inform the general public about the importance and challenges of the waterborne transport sector.
WP1 Project Management was focused on two directions: the technical, financial and administrative management; to set-up and work with the Scientific Committee (SC), an advisory body tasked to help consolidate the main project developments and the preparation of the meetings for the larger advisory body, the Green Shipping Expert Group (GSEG). WP1 produced ‘D1.1 Terms of Reference for the Scientific Committee’.

WP2 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and Implementation Plan provided the backbone of the content development in STEERER. Its first result was ‘D2.1 State of play of decarbonization of waterborne transport’, that presented an in-depth overview of the existing findings of relevant projects and best practices, initiatives, existing zero-emission strategies and visions for the waterborne transport sector. Subsequently, ‘D2.2 Scenarios with quantified targets for 2025, 2030 and 2050’ assessed the most likely scenarios for the emissions from waterborne transport by 2025, 2030 and 2050, and defined and quantified the emissions reduction targets for these scenarios, taking into account the main waterborne transport segments and the ship types defined in the ZEWT SRIA. Deliverable ‘D2.3 Areas of intervention and related actions - “implementation plan” ‘ provided a detailed set of technical, regulatory and business recommendations for each of the six SRIA intervention areas. A SWOT analysis was also undertaken on the D2.3 key actions, to better understand which are their advantages and challenges, and how to address them.

Based on these documents STEERER developed the 1st and then 2nd ‘Advice to the ZEWT Research Agenda and Implementation Plan’, namely deliverables D2.5 and D2.7. Both follow the structure of the SRIA and include the following main topics:
- relevant policies and legislative developments and their implications;
- scenarios with quantified targets for 2025, 2030 and 2025, per ship type as defined in the SRIA;
- the refined set of actions for the SRIA intervention areas, where possible defined per ship type;
- updated general data about the European waterborne transport sector;
- an analysis of relevant EU-funded RD&I projects.

Complementary, ‘D2.4 Public policy instruments and interventions and other appropriate mechanisms, incentives and business models’ outlines the non-technical recommendations that will enable the implementation and boost of the RD&I activities covering the technical recommendations for the SRIA. ‘D2.6 Monitoring and evaluation arrangements from the ZEWT SRIA agenda and its implementation’ ensures the follow-up and exploitation of the main projects results, stemming from deliverables D2.4 and D2.7.

WP3 Green Shipping Expert Group / Stakeholder Consultation focused on the establishment and coordination of the GSEG and on the broader stakeholders’ engagement. The GSEG was the key advisory body, representing: shipowners (maritime and inland navigation), equipment manufacturers, ports, classification societies, shipyards, etc. The broader stakeholder encompassed organizations with significant interests in waterborne transport: industry, transport operators, cities and regional authorities, research institutes, etc. They were largely the members and networks of the STEERER partners. Four GSEG online and in-person workshops were organized to review the WP2 documents. The process of and main information from these consultations are outlined by four WP3 deliverables, D3.3 – D3.6. Both the GSEG and SC experts will continue their activity in advising the Partnership and its members after the project end, outlined in ‘D3.7 Report on the creation of the STEERER Network’.

WP4 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation developed: a visual identity and website; social media promotion; flyers, newsletters and roll-ups; an ‘Ambassadors’ campaign with high-level stakeholders to support project dissemination; the ‘citizens campaign’, informing the public of the sector’s importance and challenges; etc. Two key events were organized: a workshop with CINEA (Feb 2022), presenting the main achievements of the H2020-funded RD&I projects for waterborne transport, whose results were also relevant for the WP2 activities; the project final event (Oct 2022), presenting a comprehensive RD&I strategy for the transition to zero-emission waterborne transport, but also gathering input and ideas as to how this strategy can be improved. STEERER was also presented in various online and in-person events, including in TRA2022 and IMO-related discussions.
Deliverable D2.2 is an unique analysis of the carbon budget available for the waterborne transport, the transition to zero-emission waterborne transport efforts per ship type and the actions needed to comply with the EU and international targets set for the sector, in particular remaining under the 1,5°C threshold. Its information is used as input for other deliverables, and has already been used as input for EU Member States in preparation of IMO activities.
Deliverables D2.5 and D2.7 the 1st and 2nd Advice to the ZEWT Research Agenda, encompass the main STEERER outputs, in particular from D2.2 D2.3 and the SWOT analysis, and were designed firstly to help with the first updates of its SRIA. Their applicability is also valid for the entire lifetime of the Partnership, albeit some inherent updates. Moreover, these recommendations are seen by both the STEERER partners and advisors as the main solutions for the entire sector to reach its ‘green’ targets by 2050. In addition, they will also contribute to the sector’s economic competitiveness, thereby contributing to the European economy in terms of jobs and growth.
The STEERER Network will ensure the sector representatives involved in the STEERER activities will continue to follow and advise the Partnership in pursuing the best solutions for the sector. This will be an unique expert group at the EU level in terms of numbers, expertise and sector coverage, supporting the ‘greening’ of one of Europe’s key transport modes.
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