CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - TeNDER (affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-11-01 bis 2023-04-30

TeNDER project developed and validated at large scale an AI-based ecosystem to improve the quality of life of persons affected by three main diseases: Parkinson Disease (PD), Alzheimer Disease (AD) and Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD). The project relied on the smart combination of multiple data sources, including: A Sensorial system, medical information stored in Electronic Health Records (EHR) and the interaction of users with the system. TeNDER aimed at finding a solution that can extend autonomy of people affected by the mentioned diseases by developing a set of services to: 1) Identify anomalies associated to physical activities of the patients, 2) To create personalized pathways, 3) Empower patients/caregivers and relatives, making them participants of the whole care chain, 4) Reducing the communication gap and lack of information between health professionals & patients. 5) Developing novel tools for the social interaction and access to opportunities for elderly. All the aforementioned benefits are of relevant interest in our society to reduce the burden of the stakeholders, such as the caregivers and family, facilitating the ways of care, reducing the time response while increasing the confidence and acceptance of ICTs solution, while validating and increasing the accuracy of the models created for the care of patients.
The TeNDER project has been a comprehensive and multi-faceted endeavor aimed at developing a robust ecosystem for remote monitoring and care of patients in a household, rehabilitation room, daycare centres and hospital contexts. Work was conducted in various domains, including ethical, legal, technical, social, medical, and communication aspects.
From an ethical, legal, and fundamental perspective, internal procedures for Data Sharing Agreements were developed among technical partners to ensure data privacy and security. Approvals from ethical committees were obtained for piloting, demonstrating adherence to ethical standards and regulations. Extensive co-design work was conducted to define use-cases and system functionalities, aligning the project with user needs and ethical considerations.
From a technical perspective, a comprehensive CI/CD system was developed, facilitating deployment and updates of various system components. Multiple modules for anomalies detection were integrated, enhancing the system's capabilities in identifying potential health issues. The HeTRA (Health Tracking) data collection and storage system was implemented to support the collection and management of patient data. Diverse AI algorithms were deployed in the system for validation during piloting waves.
From a social perspective, tools were designed to improve patient access to resources via the social worker dashboard, enhancing patient support. A recommender system was implemented, providing personalized recommendations to patients through the TeNDER mobile app.
In terms of piloting and medical-evidence construction, the three rounds of pilots were successfully performed, gathering valuable data and feedback under challenging conditions. An evaluation plan, questionnaires, and indicators for assessing Quality of Life were defined, contributing to medical evidence collection.
Regarding communication, dissemination, and exploitation, active dissemination of project information was conducted through various channels, raising awareness and sharing knowledge about TeNDER. Liaisons with other ongoing projects were established, fostering collaboration and potential impact.
Main results achieved include the development of the TeNDER ecosystem, positive feedback from caregivers and professionals, successful validation of AI algorithms and anomaly detection modules during piloting waves, and the collection of valuable medical evidence and insights on patient outcomes through the Quality of Life assessment.
The TeNDER project's comprehensive approach and significant achievements position it as a promising initiative in the domain of remote healthcare monitoring and patient care.
The TeNDER project expected to have multiple contributions over the state-of-the-art: 1) From a technical perspective, there are a set of (multi-modal) AI algorithms to detect multiple events associated to all diseases: The models developed for the detection of anomalies and movement analysis are expected to improve the accuracy due to the large number of participants. From the social impacts, individual and modular components of the system are intended to tackle the communication gaps that exist between social professionals. 2) From an exploitation and impact, the initial analysis performed allowed to identify potential competitors. As a modular system, there are several individual components that might have a potential to go in the market.
Piloting, TeNDER logo and tools nutshell
Diverse 3D depth sensors arranged at a pilot site